Office of the United States Trade Representative


Joint Statement By Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns and U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman Regarding Canada’s Decision to Proceed with Investigation of Imports of U.S. Corn

“The United States is very disappointed by Canada’s decision to proceed with a formal anti-dumping/countervailing duty investigation of imports of U.S. corn. We do not believe the petition contained sufficient evidence of injury to Canadian corn growers to initiate an investigation. The U.S. Government will be actively engaged with the Canadian investigative agencies during the investigation to defend the interests of U.S. corn producers and exporters.

“Canada conducted two prior investigations of U.S. corn imports, revoking a countervailing duty order after a GATT panel decision was adopted in 1992 and finding no injury in a second investigation in 2001. Imports of U.S. corn into Canada are actually down over the past two years. While Canada’s corn production has increased, Canada’s domestic corn demand still cannot be met through domestic production alone. Prior to the launch of this case, many Canadian corn users expressed their opposition to this case moving forward.”


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