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MCS Information

Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4844
tel: 630-252-7162
fax: 630-252-5986

In keeping with the MCS mission to increase scientific productivity, we maintain world-class research programs that push the frontiers of science. For example, we have established an advanced computing facility with a Blue Gene/L system and are working with researchers to develop scalable algorithms and software for exploiting terascale computing platforms. We are also exploring new technologies -- multimedia and virtual environments, collaborative tools and metacomputing -- needed to make these new capabilities truly effective scientific resources.

Visitor Guidance Welcome to MCS!  New in town?  Student?   Visitor?  Hosting a conference here onsite? Here is some helpful information. And check out our page of informal activities!
Seminars and Colloquia Schedule for weekly seminars and the MCS special colloquia. Archived are also the abstracts of seminars from previous years.  
Educational Opportunities Our program in computational science has summer, fall, and spring positions for students at all levels (high school, undergraduate, and graduate). We also encourage faculty to spend a few months at Argonne through the Faculty Participant program. Application forms and evaluation forms are posted on these pages.
MCS Open Positions MCS has several positions open for research scientists, programmers, and postdoctoral researchers. The positions and procedures for applying are posted here.
Visiting Positions From time to time we support visiting faculty and sabbatical appointments. Information on visiting positions in MCS can be found here.
MCS Travel For MCS travel authorization, go to MCS Travel Request Forms.
ESH Information ES&H staff, Bldg. 221; (MS Word document); QA plan (MS Word document)
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Last updated on January 26, 2006
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