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Conservation Programs
CRP 20th Anniversary

Teresa Lasseter

The Conservation Reserve Program has 20 years of impressive achievements. It prevents 450 million tons of soil from eroding each year. It has already restored 1.8 million acres of wetlands. Two million more ducks survive each year because of the natural shelter it provides. CRP is a testament to the value America's farmers and ranchers place on land stewardship. By preserving our nation's resources, CRP encompasses even more.

I encourage you to become acquainted with CRP by browsing this anniversary website. Read the state-by-state success stories and see how CRP participants across our vast country are using CRP to better their operations and our environment.

Read the entire statement (PDF 25k)

Teresa C. Lasseter,
Administrator, Farm Service Agency


Senator Tom Harkin, Iowa
"The Conservation Reserve Program has been very successful in helping farmers conserve our precious soil, improve our water quality and preserve natural habitats for wildlife. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the CRP, let us rededicate ourselves to sound conservation and management of our nation?s agricultural lands."

Senator Tom Harkin, Iowa




Senator Richard G. Lugar Indiana
"Almost 20 years ago, former Secretary of Agriculture Jack Block and I announced the first Conservation Reserve Program at ceremonies on the Lugar farm in Marion County, Indiana. Since that announcement two decades ago, the CRP has resulted in millions of acres planted with treesand environmentally beneficial grasses with the prospect of more acres being devoted to conservationin the future.

I recognize the enormous environmental and economic benefits of agricultural conservation efforts on private lands and one of the best things we can do for our nation's future is to ensure sustainable agriculture, clean water and a healthy environment. Conservation activities are a core component of a successful national farm policy, and we cannot afford to under fund investments in voluntary conservation on private agricultural lands."

Senator Richard Lugar, Indiana



Senator Pat Roberts, Kansas

"For 20 years, the Conservation Reserve Program has enabled farmers to make a significant contribution towards preserving our natural resources. By taking highly erodible or sensitive cropland out of production, producers are able to conserve soil and water resources as well as increase natural wildlife habitat.

"The tremendous success of this program proves that collaborative efforts between producers and the federal government can be effective tools for sustaining and protecting the environment. I commend farmers on their efforts and look forward to continuing this valuable partnership."

Senator Pat Roberts, Kansas


Last Modified: November 29, 2007

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