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Maritime Law Enforcement Academy

MLE Academy Logo

Charleston, South Carolina


To provide Maritime Law Enforcement Training that is relevant and comprehensive, utilizing state of the art human performance training solutions and technology. We will accomplish our mission through a framework of systems and programs that have been examined and accepted by the Office of Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation.


To prepare Coast Guard personnel to perform as Boarding Officers and Boarding Team Members. In addition, we enhance the Maritime Law Enforcement skills of students from federal, state and local agencies, as well as the international community. We accomplish this through the delivery of high quality training that provides the knowledge and skills necessary for graduates to perform in a Safe, Legal and Professional manner. We also develop, maintain and make readily available up-to-date training material that supports the standardization and professionalism of the Coast Guard’s entire Maritime Law Enforcement Training system.

Goals and Objectives

Be Professional in Everything We Do

  • Maintain the highest level of staff and instructor professionalism, through the constant acquisition of subject matter expertise and commitment to instructor excellence.
  • Set an example that creates a standard which our students will aspire to.
  • Fully embody the tenets of Coast Guard core values, military professionalism and the twelve boarding officer competencies.

Be Good Stewards of Coast Guard Resources

  • Ensure our efforts and resources are consistently directed towards accomplishing our Mission with primary emphasis on our students and the operational Coast Guard.
  • Deliver our training and instruction in the most effective and efficient manner possible with the highest regard for our core values and the responsibility to be good stewards of our resources and the public trust.

Maintain Relevance, System Integrity and Responsiveness

  • Ensure the staff and instructional material remains relevant with current Coast Guard policy and developing operational requirements.
  • Be responsive to our customers’ needs.
  • Proactively engage with program managers to validate, test and implement new material and methods, in accordance with current policy, to quickly respond to changing operational requirements.

Create and Sustain a Positive Workplace Culture

  • Develop and maintain a safe and positive workplace where every individual is fully embraced, continuously challenged and promptly recognized for their professionalism and contributions.
  • Provide all employees the opportunity to maximize their contribution to mission execution.

Attain Accreditation from the Office of Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation (FLETA)

  • Attain FLETA for MLEA.
  • Attain FLETA for each program.
  • Implement processes to systematically maintain FLETA standards.
Last Modified 6/17/2008