Wild Horse & Burro



The following terms apply to all wild horses and burros adopted under this Private Maintenance and Care Agreement:

  1. Adopters are financially responsible for providing proper care;
  2. Adopters are responsible, as provided by State law, for any personal injury, property damage, or death caused by animals in their care, for pursuing animals that escape or stray, and for costs of recapture;
  3. Adopters must not transfer animals for more than 30 days to another location or to the are of another individual without the prior approval of the BLM;
  4. Adopters must make animals available for physical inspection within 7 days of receipt of a written request by the BLM;
  5. Adopters must notify the BLM within 7 days of discovery of an animals death, theft or escape;
  6. Adopters must notify the BLM within 30 days of any change in the adopter's address;
  7. Adopters must dispose of remains in accordance with applicable sanitation laws; and
  8. Title will remain with the Federal Government for at least 1 year after the Private Maintenance and Care Agreement is executed and until a Certificate of Title is issued by the BLM.
  9. Adopters are entitled to a replacement if within 6 months of the adoption date the animal(s) dies or is required to be destroyed due to a condition that existed at the time of the adoption and if the adopter provides a veterinarian's statement that certifies that reasonable care would not have corrected the condition.

Failure to comply with these terms may result in the cancellation of the agreement, repossession of the animals, and disapproval of requests for adoption of additional animals. In addition, violation of any term of a Private Maintenance and Care Agreement is a prohibited act.

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