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Animation of Hurricane Katrina Sea Surface Temperatures from AMSR-E
(courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio)

This visualization shows the cold water trail left by Hurricane Katrina. The data is from August 23 through 30, 2005. The colors on the ocean represent the sea surface temperatures, and satellite images of the hurricane clouds are laid over the temperatures to clearly show the hurricane positions. Orange and red depict regions that are 82 degrees F and higher, where the ocean is warm enough for hurricanes to form. Hurricane winds are sustained by the heat energy of the ocean, so the ocean is cooled as the hurricane passes and the energy is extracted to power the winds. The sea surface temperatures are 3-day moving averages based on the AMSR-E instrument on the Aqua satellite, while the cloud images were taken by the Imager on the GOES-12 satellite.


Data Products

For each EOS instrument, there exists a suite of EOS standard data products. Each EOS instrument science team develops, validates, and maintains the alogrithms and science software that produces their instrument's EOS standard data products. The AMSR-E Level 1 products will be generated by JAXA and distributed to the AMSR-E Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) located at Remoted Sensing Systems for processing to level 2A Resampled Brightness Temperatures. These are then forwarded to the Global Hydrology Resource Center SIPS for processing of EOS Level 2B and 3 standard products. The Level 2 and 3 products conform to EOSDIS standards for science data and metadata. These products, metadata, and associated documentation will be archived and distributed by the Snow and Ice Distributed Active Archive (DAAC) at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. )


Brightness Temperatures AE_L2A AMSR-E/Aqua global swath brightness temperatures are resampled at resolutions of 56 km, 38 km, 21 km, 12 km, and 5.4 km. 2.5 GB/day
Wind speed, water vapor, cloud liquid water, & sea surface temperature AE_Ocean AMSR-E/Aqua global swath ocean wind speed at 38 and 21 km resolution, water vapor over ocean at 21 km resolution, cloud liquid water at 12 km resolution, and sea surface temperature at 56 and 38 km resolution are generated using the Wentz Algorithm and level 2A product. 277 MB/day
Surface Soil Moisture AE_Land AMSR-E/Aqua global swath surface soil moisture and ancillary parameters including surface type, vegetation water content, surface temperature, and QC parms are generated from level 2A AMSR-E Tb's spatially resampled to a nominal 25-km equal area earth grid. 15 MB/day
Global Rain Rate AE_Rain AMSR-E/Aqua global swath rain rate and rain type products are generated using the level 2A spatially resampled Tb's and the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF). 501 MB/day
Wind speed, water vapor, cloud liquid water, & sea surface temperature AE_DyOcn AMSR-E/Aqua global ocean level 3 daily products are on .25 x .25 degree ascending and descending grids. Products are generated using the level 2B ocean products as input. 14.5 MB/day
Snow water equivalent AE_DySno AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 daily products are of global snow water equivalent on EASE-Grids. 2.1 MB/day
Brightness temperatures AE_SI6 AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 products at 6.25 km are of 89.0 GHz brightness temperatures on polar stereographic grids. Tb's are daily averages, daily ascending averages, and daily descending averages. 46.3 MB/day
Sea ice concentration, snow depth over ice, & brightness temperatures AE_SI12 AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 products at 12.5 km are of sea ice concentration, snow depth over ice, & 18 - 89.0 GHz Tb’s on polar stereo grids. The sea ice con and Tb's are daily averages, daily asc. & desc. averages; snow depth over sea ice is a 5-day average. 53 MB/day
Sea ice concentration, sea ice temperature, & brightness temperatures AE_SI25 AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 products at 25 km are of sea ice concentration and 6.9 - 89.0 GHz Tb’s on polar stereographic grids. Sea ice con, sea ice temp, and Tb's are daily averages, daily ascending averages, and daily descending averages. 19.5 MB/day
Surface Soil Moisture AE_Land3 AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 global daily surface soil moisture with vegetation water content, surface temp., & Tb's are generated on a nominal 25-km equal area earth grid by time-compositing the level 2B parameters separately for ascending and descending passes. 64.8 MB/day
Snow water equivalent AE_5DSno AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 5-day products are of global snow water equivalent on EASE-Grids. 2.1 MB/5-day
Wind speed, water vapor, cloud liquid water, & sea surface temperature AE_WkOcn AMSR-E/Aqua global ocean level 3 weekly products are on .25 x .25 degree ascending and descending grids. Products generated using the level 2B ocean products as input. 12.4 MB/week
Global Rain Rate AE_RnGrd AMSR-E/Aqua monthly rainfall accumulations are on two 5x5 degree grids, separate for land & ocean. The ocean product uses level 2A brightness temperatures as input; the land product uses GPROF level 2B rainfall as input. 02. MB/month
Wind speed, water vapor, cloud liquid water, & sea surface temperature AE_MoOcn AMSR-E/Aqua global ocean level 3 monthly products are on .25 x .25 degrees ascending and descending grids. Products are generated using the level 2B ocean parameters as input. 12.4 MB/month
Snow water equivalent AE_MoSno AMSR-E/Aqua level 3 product are of monthly global snow water equivalent on EASE-Grids. 2.1 MB/month
Site Manager: Dawn Conway