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Salmon and Trout in King County, Washington State

Links to Other Salmon Websites
Find More Salmon Information

If it's Salmon Spawning Season (September - December)...

and you've been watching streams but haven't seen fish yet...

If you want to see fish, click here!

Salmon Life Cycle

Fun interactive salmon life cycle web site! There are all sorts of fun things on this web site that help teach about salmon and their life cycle.

Salmon life cycle by Streamnet.

Salmon life cycle by Washington Department of Ecology.

More Salmon Information

Known Freshwater Distribution of Salmon and Trout: maps for Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8, the Greater Lake Washington Watershed

Salmon Friendly Seattle Site for information about how you can help salmon and about what the City of Seattle and its partners are doing to help

Streams Monitoring Page King County's home page for water quality monitoring of streams

WDFW's SalmonScape, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's (WDFW) new, interactive, computer mapping system is an interactive mapping application designed to display and report a wide range of data related to salmon distribution, status, and habitats

USDA's Fish Resources: Salmon/Steelhead, an excellent page showing information about salmon and steelhead as well as very nice images of the different species

City of Seattle's Urban Creek Legacy and The Millennium Project for information about Thornton, Pipers, Longfellow, and Taylor Creeks in Seattle

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife home page

King County Technical Documents

StreamNet On-Line: "Fish data for the Northwest."

"For the Sake of the Salmon" Web site

Watersheds Information

King County Watersheds Maps: info about specific watersheds including news, reports, data, activities, grants, and stewardship organizations

Puget Sound Nearshore Environments: all about the nearshore environment of King County, including nearshore processes and how development affects them

Program Participants

Find out more about the partners of this program!

King County Water & Land Resources Division Science Staff Science Seminar web site

City of Seattle's Creek Stewardship Site

City of Bellevue Stream Team

City of Bothell Education Opportunities

City of Redmond Volunteer Opportunities

Endangered Species Act Information

Get the latest about ESA

Puget Sound Salmon Information

King County's Endangered Species Act Page

National Marine Fisheries, Northwest Regional Office home page

The US Fish & Wildlife Service's ESA for Kids web page

Northwest Salmon Recovery Planning: Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula Technical Recovery Team. Includes link to the new TRT publication "Independent Populations of Chinook Salmon in Puget Sound"

This program is conducted in cooperation with the King County Water and Land Resources Division, Bellevue Stream Team, Redmond Stream Team, and the cities of Seattle, Bothell, Kirkland, Renton, Woodinville, and the Vashon-Maury Island Land Trust, with support from the King Conservation District.