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Salmon and Trout in King County, Washington State

Historic and Current Status of Kokaneein the Lake Washington Basin
Discussion Draft

Please see Current Status of Kokanee in the Greater Lake Washington Watershed report, published October, 2003

Kokanee SalmonKing County produced the Historic and Current Status of Kokanee in the Lake Washington Basin (dated March 13, 2000) to help fill information gaps regarding native kokanee populations. King County is committed to helping improve the region's knowledge of native kokanee and to undertaking substantive, science-based conservation efforts now and over the long-term for kokanee and other salmonids.

Thank You to those who contributed comments on the Discussion Draft. The comment period for this draft closed on June 14, 2000. We received comments from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the cities of Bellevue, Issaquah and Sammamish, and from the organizations of Save Lake Sammamish and Friends of Issaquah Salmon Hatchery. Information from the draft report and responses will be incorporated, as appropriate, into future work products relating to the proposed kokanee supplementation program and recovery plan that will be incorporated into the WRIA 8 salmon recovery planning effort.

Staff representing multiple agencies and stakeholders are currently working as part of the Sammamish Watershed Kokanee Technical Committee to identify and implement next steps, including development of an early-run kokanee supplementation strategy, kokanee spawner surveys, and evaluation of ecological conditions related to kokanee.

This page will be updated as additional information regarding next steps becomes available. Thank you for your interest in the health and sustainability of our native kokanee stocks!