United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Veterans Day Images

Images from the 2007 Veterans Day National Ceremony
held at Arlington National Cemetery on November 11, 2007.

Click on a thumbnail image to view a larger version.
The larger horizontal images are 5 by 7 inches in size; verticals are 3.6 by 5 inches.

Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery
Acting VA Secretary Gordon Mansfield welcomes Vice President Cheney prior to wreath laying ceremony
Acting VA Secretary Gordon Mansfield approaching the Tomb of the Unknowns
Acting VA Secretary Gordon Mansfield greets Veterans Service Organization leaders in the Memorial Display Room adjacent to the Tomb of the Unknowns
Left to right: Patrick W. Corbett, National President, Retired Enlisted Association; Robert Lewis Howard, President, Congressional Medal of Honor Society; Robert T. Reynolds, National Commander, Disabled American Veterans, at the Tomb of the Unknowns
Vice President Richard B. Cheney places wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns
Taps is played at theTomb of the Unknowns
Vice President Cheney and Major General Richard J. Rowe, Jr., Commanding General, Military District of Washington, salute during the playing of Taps
Veterans organization leaders, Vice President Cheney and Acting Secretary Mansfield on Memorial Amphiteater stage
Master of Ceremonies Pete Dawkins, Brigadier General (Retired), introduces the Veterans Day National Committee
Left to right: Brigadier General (Retired) Pete Dawkins, Master of Ceremonies; Major General Richard J. Rowe, Jr., Commanding General, Military District of Washington; Mr. Jack Metzler, Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery
Jack Ryan, National Commandant of the Marine Corps League, leads the Pledge of Allegiance
Acting VA Secretary Gordon Mansfield addresses the crowd in the Memorial Amphitheater
Vice President Richard B. Cheney delivers the Veterans Day address
Vice President Richard B. Cheney delivers the Veterans Day address
Some of the capacity crowd of more than 5,000 attendees in the Memorial Amphitheater
Veterans Service Organization members prepare for the Parade of Flags march into the Memorial Amphitheater
Members of the Young Marines entering the Memorial Amphitheater
A former Marine proudly displays his military medals
Retiring the Colors at the end of the 2007 National Veterans Day Ceremony