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Notices to Lessees and Operators -- Offshore Minerals Management
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NTL No. 2002-N03

Effective Date: January 29, 2002
Rescission Date: April 30, 2002

Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) of Federal Oil, Gas,
and Sulphur Leases in the Outer Continental Shelf

2nd International Workshop on Human Factors in Offshore Operations

NOTE: NTL 2002-N03 Adobe PDF is available for download in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).

The Minerals Management Service (MMS) is sponsoring the "2nd International Workshop on Human Factors in Offshore Operations," April 8-10, 2002, in Houston, Texas. This workshop (HFW2002) will build on the information presented at the 1st International Workshop on Human Factors in Offshore Operations which was sponsored by MMS in 1996. HFW2002 provides the opportunity for regulatory agencies, certification bodies, and industry to discuss and review human factors tools that can be applied effectively to improve safety, quality, and reliability of offshore operations and reduce incidents. White papers from the working groups at the 2½ day workshop will discuss the following issues:

bullet Inclusion of Human Factors in Incident Investigation
bullet Reduction of Human Error in New Systems
bullet Reduction of Human Error in Existing Systems
bullet Solving Human Factor Issues as Applied to the Workforce
bullet Using Human Factor Principles in Management Practices and Policies
bullet Effective Application of Behavioral Based Processes

MMS has contracted with RRS Engineering of Houston, Texas, to organize this workshop on our behalf. MMS is co-sponsoring the workshop because we recognize that human factors play a predominate role in a majority of accidents and should be considered to improve overall safety of operations. MMS wants to work with industry to determine how human factors measures might be implemented in new and existing operations in a cost effective manner. We welcome and encourage your participation in this workshop.

Workshop Details

Who should attend:
Intercontinental Hotel - Houston, Texas, USA
April 8-10, 2002
Industry leaders responsible for safety in the offshore environment; offshore facilities designers and managers; human factors, behavioral science and safety engineers; regulatory and government leaders; offshore service providers; offshore equipment manufacturers; certification body representatives; and health and safety professionals.

Registration and Information Contacts: You can go to the HFW2002 webpage (http://www.hfw2002.com/) for more information about the workshop. To register or become a sponsor, please contact RRS Engineering at (281) 334-4220 or rrseng@rrseng.com. If you have any questions, you may contact RRS Engineering or Charles Smith, MMS Engineering and Operations Division, at (703) 787-1561.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: This NTL does not refer to or impose any information collection subject to the PRA.

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Michael Hunt
Acting Associate Director for
Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

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