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Notices to Lessees and Operators -- Offshore Minerals Management
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NTL No. 2000-N04

Effective Date: September 15, 2000
Recission Date: April 1, 2001

Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) of Federal Oil, Gas,
and Sulphur Leases in the Outer Continental Shelf

Guidelines for Crane and Rigging Operations on Fixed Offshore OCS Facilities

NOTE: NTL 2000-N04 Adobe PDF is available for download in Adobe's Portable Document Format.

On December 28, 1999, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) published in the Federal Register (64 FR 72756) final regulations revising 30 CFR 250, Subpart A, Postlease Operations Safety. Section 250.108 addresses cranes and other material handling equipment on fixed offshore OCS platforms. These regulations took effect on January 27, 2000. In March 2000, the MMS published a technical amendment (65 FR 15862) to update and reaffirm various documents incorporated by reference under section 250.198. These included the MMS inspection criteria for cranes and other material handling equipment and for the training of riggers, crane operators, and inspectors according to the American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice (RP) 2D, Fourth Edition. This amendment took effect April 24, 2000.

The API RP 2D first specified the training requirements for riggers and changed the training requirements for crane operators in August 1999. To allow sufficient time to obtain the specified training for these two classes of offshore workers, you are advised that we will accept training records for riggers and crane operators under API RP 2D, Third Edition, or similar industry standard, until April 1, 2001. After April 1, 2001, you must comply with API RP 2D, Fourth Edition, for training of all riggers and crane operators, and maintaining the respective training records.

The API RP 2D, Fourth Edition, specifies the physical qualifications for crane operators are to be evaluated at least every four (4) years. According to 30 CFR 250.108, you must retain records of your crane operator’s qualifications at the facility for at least four (4) years.

The U.S. Coast Guard regulates cranes and material handling equipment on mobile offshore drilling units, floating offshore facilities, and vessels on the OCS. This NTL only applies to fixed offshore OCS facilities.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Statement: The information collection referred to in this NTL provides clarification, description, or interpretation of requirements in the 30 CFR 250, subpart A regulations. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the information collection requirements and assigned OMB control number 1010-0114. This NTL does not impose additional information collection requirements subject to the PRA.

Contact: If you have any questions about this NTL, you may contact Joseph Levine at (703) 787-1033 or joseph.levine@mms.gov.

Date:         9/15/2000           /signed/ Thomas A. Readinger

for Carolita U. Kallaur
Associate Director for
Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

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