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Kumkum Ray

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NTL No. 2000-N01

Effective Date: March 1, 2000
Recission Date: April 2, 2000

Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) of Federal Oil, Gas,
and Sulphur Leases in the Outer Continental Shelf

Crane Safety Workshop

The Minerals Management Service will hold a 1-day workshop on crane safety on March 29, 2000, in Lafayette, Louisiana. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss crane operations on offshore drilling and production facilities and to develop recommendations for improving the safety of crane operations. Session topics will include recent crane safety records, typical crane operations, crane equipment, personnel training, and work practices. MMS has contracted the Offshore Technology Research Center at Texas A&M to organize this workshop on crane safety.

MMS is holding this workshop because of the large number of crane accidents that have occurred on the OCS over the past 5 years (over 50 accidents involving cranes and other materials handling equipment). These accidents have resulted in nine fatalities, many injuries, and considerable property damage. We believe that this workshop will help concentrate the efforts by industry and government in improving crane safety. To find out more about OCS crane accidents since 1995, you may go to the Crane Safety page http://www.mms.gov/cranes on the MMS website.

We welcome and encourage your participation in this workshop. All interested parties are invited. To register or if you have any questions, please contact J. Phil Wilbourn with the Offshore Technology Research Center ((931) 526-8089 or William Hauser with MMS ((703) 787-1613 or william.hauser@mms.gov. Please register by March 24, 2000, so that we can have an estimate of the number of attendees.

Workshop Details:
    Where: Ramada Inn North, 2716 NE Evangeline Thruway, (337) 233-0003
Lafayette, Louisiana 70507
    Date/Time: March 29, 2000 -- Registration at 8:00am -- Workshop begins at 9:00am
    Cost: No cost (Lunch is not included, but is available onsite)

Who should attend: Safety managers and personnel that manufacture, operate, maintain, inspect, or work around offshore cranes

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: This NTL does not refer to or impose
any information collection subject to the PRA.

Date: February 29, 2000 cksign.gif (2123 bytes)
Carolita U. Kallaur
Associate Director for
Offshore Energy and Minerals Management

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