Genes, Genomes and Genetics Small Business Activities [SBIR/STTR] Special Emphasis Panel [GGG Small Business SEP] [GGG (10)]

  [SBIR/STTR Rosters]

The Genes, Genomes and Genetics Small Business Activities Study Section [GGG (10)] considers SBIR/STTR applications involved in areas of genetics, genomics, and nucleic acid technology. This includes but is not limited to:  (1) applications of emerging technologies and methodologies for gene identification and analysis, and analysis and manipulation of gene expression. (2) comparative genomic studies, whole genome scans, gene expression analysis and development of molecular genetic tools (e.g. microarrays, oligonucleotide probes, bioinformatics software) and (3) applications of oligonucleotide chemistries (synthesis, amplification, detection) involving DNA, RNA, and their analogs for diagnostic and expression analysis and regulation.

Specific areas covered by the GGG Small Business SEP:

  • Genetic and genomic analysis: detection of polymorphisms, genetic epidemiology, linkage analysis, molecular diagnostics of genetic diseases and pharmacogenomic studies

  • Emerging technology for genome analysis: detection of polymorphisms, genetic mapping of SNPs and ESTs (expressed sequence tags), statistical genetics, clinical and molecular cytogenesis, sequence databases and annotation, and genomic libraries

  • Emerging technology for functional genomics: nucleic acid hybridization probes development and DNA microarrays assays applied to gene discovery and gene regulation, expression profiling and databases, cellular arrays, cDNA libraries, and EST discovery and analysis

  • Emerging technology for molecular genetics: modulation and detection of gene expression, nucleic acid metabolism, and nucleic acid enzymology

  • Emerging oligonucleotide technologies: development of DNA, RNA, and RNA interference (RNAi) molecules;
  • Technologies for gene therapy and production of transgenic species: expression of recombinant DNA, artificial chromosomes, and antisense technologies

The GGG Small Business SEP has the following shared interests outside the GGG IRG:

  • With the Biological Chemistry & Macromolecular Biophysics [BCMB] IRG:  Proteomics: BCMB may be appropriate for studies of analytical protein instrumentation development and RNA or protein structure and function prediction. Applications proposing molecular genetic approaches for protein expression may be appropriate for GGG. For nucleic acid chemistries - BCMB may be appropriate for applications focused on organic synthesis of new nucleic acid analogs, while GGG may be appropriate if the focus is on sequence-based technologies. 
  • With the Infectious Diseases & Microbiology [IDM] and AIDS & Related Research [AARR] IRGs: Applications proposing molecular genetic, genomic or genetic technologies that principally apply to microbes could be assigned to IDM or AARR. Applications focused on technologies that apply broadly across kingdoms could be assigned to GGG. Applications concerned with emerging genetic technologies may be more appropriate for GGG.  
  • With the Organ-system/Disease IRGs - Hematology [HEME]; Cardiovascular Sciences [CVS]; Endocrinology, Metabolism, Nutrition, & Reproductive Sciences [EMNR]; Immunology [IMM]; Oncological Sciences [ONC]; Musculoskeletal, Oral, & Skin Sciences [MOSS]; Digestive Sciences [DIG]; Respiratory Sciences [RES]; Renal & Urological Sciences [RUS];  Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Neuroscience [MDCN]; Integrative, Functional & Cognitive Neuroscience [IFCN]; Brain Disorders & Clinical Neuroscience [BDCN]: Assignment of a molecular genetics/genomics/genetics application to an organ-system/disease IRG or GGG should be based on the nature of scientific question(s) being addressed. Studies that are directed at the organ disease could be assigned to the organ/disease IRG, even when genetics, genomic or molecular technologies are being developed. Assignment could be to GGG if the focus of applications is on emerging genetic or genomic technologies(s) or if multiple diseases or organ systems are being studied. 
  • With the Bioengineering Sciences & Technologies [BST] IRG: The main areas of shared interest involve gene delivery systems, technologies for molecular detection and analysis, and statistical and bioinformatics analyses. For gene delivery technology studies, if the focus is on analysis or modulation of gene expression, production of transgenic animals, or evaluation of gene therapy vectors, GGG could be appropriate.  If the focus is studies of development of delivery vehicles, or delivery strategies, BST could be appropriate. For molecular detection and analysis studies, if the focus is on development of assays specifically for gene detection, analysis of gene expression, or other questions of specific genetic interest, GGG may be appropriate.  For applications proposing statistical and bioinformatics analyses, if the focus is on statistical genetic methods, generation of genome or gene expression data, or other questions of specific genetic interest, GGG could be appropriate.  If the focus is on broadly applicable bioinformatic approaches, BST could be appropriate.

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Last updated: January 06, 2006

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