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Public Comment

Name: Elgan H. Usrey

Organization: TEMA

Subject: 180c Review Comment

Comments on 180c Planning and Training Grants

Question 1.

a.        Yes, $200,000.00 should be adequate, however for states with multiple route it may take more than one year to conduct the assessments and do the planning. Recommend that the activity period of the planning grant be for two years.

b.        Yes.

c.        Yes, Capabilities and requirements change over periods of time. Recommend a formal re-assessment at a minimum of every 5 years. Funding should be a allocated at a minimum of $50,000.00 up to $100,000.00 basted on the same factors as the training grant.

Question 2.

a. Yes.

b. Yes. The high turnover of first responder and medical staff in emergency rooms would require repetitive training.

c. Utilize the 5 step process to allocate additional available funding.

d. No a set amount necessary to establish and maintain a program/capability.        

Question 3.

a.        Yes, it would depend on who has response requirement for that route. Two jurisdictions can not have responsibility for response.

b.        No, however the jurisdiction that will be requesting mutual aid would be responsible to provide training to those providing mutual aid.

c.        See b. above.

d.        See b. above

Question 4.

a.        Yes

b.        Yes

c.        Yes, but also on years were no shipment are scheduled if additional shipment will be made through it in subsequent years.

Question 5.

a.        Yes

b.        Determine the amount of the fee based on projected shipments and deduct that amount from the base Grant.

c.        No.

Question 6.

a.        None, this is a separate issue. Little or no funding is provided for Rad Transportation planning or training from other federal programs. If other federal funding is available it is directed to the specifics of that campaign or program. None is directed a rail shipment of SNF.

b.        TEPP has not provided any direct funding. Their function is to supplement State training. Even with their support the state should still be the lead.

c.        The routes are not the same. So most of the planning and training provided by WIPP and other sources do not apply to the OCRWM routes.

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