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FY 2003

Carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the nine R/V Knorr cruises comprising the Indian Ocean CO2 survey (WOCE sections I8SI9S, I9N, I8NI5E, I3, I5WI4, I7N, I1, I10, and I2; December 1, 1994–January 19, 1996)

Johnson, K.M., A.G. Dickson, G. Eischeid, C. Goyet, P.R. Guenther, R.M. Key, K. Lee, E.R. Lewis, F.J. Millero, D. Purkerson, C.L. Sabine, R.G. Schottle, D.W.R. Wallace, R.J. Wilke, and C.D. Winn

CDIAC NDP 080, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, 69 pp (2002)

This document describes the procedures and methods used to measure total carbon dioxide (TCO) and total alkalinity (TALK) at hydrographic stations taken during the R/V Knorr Indian Ocean cruises (Sections I8SI9S, I9N, I8N15E, I3, I5WI4, I7N, I1, I10, and I2) in 1994–1996. The measurements were conducted as part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE). The expedition began in Fremantle, Australia, on December 1, 1994, and ended in Mombasa, Kenya, on January 22, 1996. During the nine cruises, 12 WOCE sections were occupied.

Total carbon dioxide was extracted from water samples and measured using single-operator multiparameter metabolic analyzers (SOMMAs) coupled to coulometers. The overall precision and accuracy of the analyses was ±1.20 µmol/kg. The second carbonate system parameter, TALK, was determined by potentiometric titration. The precision of the measurements determined from 962 analyses of certified reference material was ±4.2 µmol/kg. This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The R/V Knorr Indian Ocean data set is available as a numeric data package (NDP) from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC). The NDP consists of 18 oceanographic data files, two FORTRAN 77 data retrieval routine files, a readme file, and this printed document, which describes the contents and format of all files as well as the procedures and methods used to obtain the data. Instructions for accessing the data are provided.

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