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HEASARC: Observatories

artist concept of EXOSAT in space

EXOSAT Databases and Catalogs

The access for the listed databases and catalogs is via the HEASARC on-line service Browse.

* Databases :
Name Description Associated data
CMA Source List Detected in the Soft X-Ray Band (0.05-2.0 keV) using EXOSAT Low Energy Telescopes and the CMA Detectors. Images and Lightcurves (FITS & GIF)
LE Results from the EXOSAT Low Energy Imaging Telescopes *Images, Lightcurves (FITS & GIF)
CMAIMAGE Images obtained with the LE Telescopes CMA Detectors Images (FITS)
TGS Source Spectra and Lightcurves from the Transmission Grating Spectrometer. These Grating Spectra are averaged over the positive and negative orders *Source and Background Spectra, Lightcurves (FITS & GIF), and Response Matrices (FITS)
TGS2 Source Spectra and Lightcurves from the Transmission Grating Spectrometer: The Postive and Negative Ordering in the Grating Spectra are kept separate *Source and Background Spectra, Lightcurves (FITS & GIF), and Response Matrices (FITS)
ME Source Spectra and Lightcurves for each EXOSAT pointing using the Medium Energy Detector. Source Spectra and Lightcurves (FITS & GIF), Response Matrices (FITS)
GS Source Spectra and Lightcurves obtained using the EXOSAT GSPC Detector for Observations that have a count rate above 5 count/sec per Half in the EXOSAT ME Detector. Source Spectra and Lightcurves (FITS & GIF), Response Matrices (FITS)
EXOLOG Complete list of all of the EXOSAT Observations None
EXOMASTER Complete list of all of the EXOSAT observations and reference to the Raw Data in FITS and the Original Format (FOT) Raw data in FITS (LE only)
EXOFOT Log of the EXOSAT Final Observation Tapes (FOTS). Raw Data in their Native Binary Format (FOT)

*For sources detected in the ME & GS, the "TGS" & "TGS2" database tables also have associated ME and GS spectra available.

**The "LE" database table is a subset of the "CMA" database table. It contains sources detected only from the central 6 arcminutes.

* Catalogs :
Name Description Reference
EXOGPS List of Sources Detected in the Galactic Plane Survey (0.05 - 2.0 keV) Using the EXOSAT ME Warwick, R.S. et al. 1988 MNRAS 232:55
EXOHGLS List of Sources Detected in the in the soft X-ray band (0.05 - 2.0 keV) at High Galactic Latitude using the EXOSAT Low Energy Telescopes and CMA Detector Giommi et al. 1991, Ap.J., 378, 77
EXMS EXOSAT ME Slew Catalog Reynolds et al. A&A Supplemet Series, 1999, 134, 287
EXOPUBS EXOSAT Publications in Refereed Journals that Make Use of EXOSAT Data None

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