Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

For a listing of the Scientific Review Officer and membership roster for each study section, click on the study section roster under the study section name within an IRG listed below or go to the study section index (study sections listed alphabetically) and click on the specified roster next to the name of the study section.

Health of the Population IRG [HOP]
Last updated on the 20th of April, 2006

Printer Friendly (Complete IRG)

The Health of the Population [HOP] IRG reviews applications for research on the broader socioenvironmental contexts in which health and health-related behavior are embedded and in which the interaction of these socioenvironmental factors with the health and health-related behavior of individuals and populations is examined. The socioenvironmental factors studied may include social class, socioeconomic conditions, cultural factors and processes, institutions, social organization, social networks, neighborhood and regional characteristics, media, policies, social and family group membership, and racial and ethnic identity. Specific areas of interest reviewed within the HOP IRG include (but are not limited to): studies of socioenvironmental influences on health, behavior, and development; community and organizational interventions for the prevention and modification of risk behaviors; multi-level, multi-contextual studies, behavioral genetics and heritability studies; population processes, composition and distribution, their antecedents and consequences, and their inter-relationships with social, cultural, economic, behavioral, developmental and biomedical factors and processes; health services research on the antecedents and consequences of health services utilization, including multidisciplinary investigations of factors affecting access, organization, costs, quality, and the financing of health services; methodological issues, various statistical techniques, and modeling of phenomena relevant to behavioral and social science research; description, detection, etiology, prevention, treatment, and control of chronic and communicable diseases in the community; basic and applied research of responses to actual or potential health problems, especially symptom management in acute or chronic illness, approaches to promoting health and preventing disease, and interventions influencing patient health outcomes and reducing costs, nursing systems, and ethics; and occupational or work environments and their relationship to health and well-being of the workers.


The following study sections are included within the HOP IRG: