Cyber Security Banner Art


10/1/2008 - 10/3/2008


Cyber Security featured at CIMA – Each day highlights security:  IPV6 Security with Scott Hogg, "Who's Crawling Through Your Windows" with Paul Herbka, PCI compliance pane with industry experts, and Privacy and Regulatory Compliance with David Navetta, Esq. 


Get involved!


Here's what's coming up in the Office of Cyber Security (OCS).  If you are a state or local government IT professional, we invite you to join us for some of the best training opportunities in the state.


Also, if you're already a highly-trained IT pro and have something to share with us, we'd love to hear from you.  Send us a one-page summary of your proposed idea for either our CISO Lecture Series or other training opportunity. Forward your prososal and a short bio of yourself to CISO Call for Papers.