NCC News Headlines
Worldwide Faith News

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NCC Brochures
- Download information about the NCC for your area, congregation or group.

- An NCC resolution on the U.S. responsibility to protect the weak
'Honor the Legacy' Campaign Asks Rededication to Geneva Conventions, International Law
- Report of Human Genetics Policy Development Committee
Download the Family Values Resource here.
Faith and Order
-The Authority of the Church in the World
- Faith and Order Commission Response to 'Petrine Ministry: A Working Draft'
- 'Toward the Common Confession of Apostolic Faith Today' (bibliography)
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- An Ecumenical Celebration of the Word: Prayer for Unity
- Interfaith Relations Newsletter for
September 2007
- 'Denying Muslims rights not a religious value,' by David J. Lull
NCC Eco-Justice Newsletter
- God's Earth is Sacred
Rooted in God's Word & Lands
Protect God's Gift of Water
Other Eco-Justice resources
- Let Justice Roll: Faith and Community Voices Against Poverty
- New NCC Study Guide on Millennium Goals:, 'Eradicating Global Poverty'
- 'Love for the Poor' booklet
- Cover the Uninsured Week
- Index to Ecumenical Resources for Welfare Reform
- Web site of the NCC Special Commission on the Just Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast
- Choices facing families in poverty, a reality check from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Click here for information and resources.

- 'Speaking of Unity' ecumenical journal of Faith & Order Commission
- 'American-Born Churches and Ancient Faith' -- new Faith & Order book
- 'Gather Heart,' an online community sharing prophetic sermon preparation
- November 2006 issue of EcuLink, NCC's newspaper: now online
- The NCC and Racial Justice
- Resources for Special Days in the Black Church
- 2005 CBS-TV Christmas Special featuring NCC President Thomas Hoyt and CME Church available on DVD
- Annotated Bibliography of Africentric Resources. Order by phone at (212) 870-2151 or e-mail
'For the Peace of the World': new NCC curriculum for churches
- Toward a Theology of Non-Proliferation, by Antonios Kireopoulos
- 'Faith Seeking Peace', a study guide from WAND Education Fund
- Peaceful Ends Through Peaceful Means: A Witness for Peace in Israel and Palestine
- Prayers for Middle East Peace
- Religions for Peace U.S.A.
- Church Folks for a Better America, a peacemaking website from Princeton
- Resources on the Sudan Crisis
- Online Bibliography from the Institute for Theology and Peace, Hamburg, Germany.
A World at War and Christian Peacemaking, by Antonios Kireopoulos
- Special Commission for the Just Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast
AsiaTsunami Bulletin Insert (Easter)
- Church Response Guidelines
- Church World Service Updates
- Worship and Prayer Resources
- Connecting with Asian Immigrants
- Resources for Ecumenical Decade to Overcome Violence
- 'Violence, Moral Darkness and Peacemaking' (a bibliography)
- "Peacemaking Begins at Home" Nonviolent Conflict Resolution for Families


NCC urges Obama to make health care a priority
The leaders of the National Council of Churches have urged President-Elect Barack Obama to make health care coverage "a first priority" of his administration. Pointing out that more than 47 million Americans lack health care coverage, NCC President Archbishop Vicken Aykazian and General Secretary Dr. Michael Kinnamon noted that with the economic downturn, "millions more are finding increases in medical co-payments and participation requirements unmanageable or are losing health benefits with the loss of employment." In a letter to Obama sent today, the two leaders expressed the hope "that the bright promise of your commitment to quality health care for all Americans might be fulfilled ...
Our own long history of health care advocacy and the experiences of tens of thousands of our congregations in providing health education and direct service programs tell us that a piecemeal system cannot meet the needs of our neighbors," the leaders wrote. More.

Dear Mr. President-Elect: Our prayers are with you
Blessings on you, and congratulations. Now that the electorate has made its decision, we at the National Council of Churches urge all Americans to come together to uphold you with our hands, our hearts and our prayers. Only rarely in our history has a president-elect faced immediate challenges of such fierce magnitude. The leaders of this Council pledge to you our unstinting support in the difficult days to come.

Some great candidates who were never president
At the close of the election season, it's intriguing to think back on ecumenical leaders who were often mentioned as potential presidential candidates but never made it. Some -- including J. Irwin Miller and Harold E. Stassen -- might have done a better job in the oval office than some of its recent occupants. Would the country and the world be different if they had made it? Read more.

Interfaith Commission warns of extreme DVD on Islam
The NCC's Interfaith Relations Commission has raised alarm over the mass distribution of 28 million copies of what it termed a �distorted and misleading� DVD entitled: �Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West." The Commission charged that the DVD has the effect of �fanning the sparks of mistrust, bigotry and hatred that undermine the very foundations of a multi-religious democracy.�

Ecumenical conference on trafficking: final report
The Ecumenical Conference on Human Trafficking began at 12:30 pm on Monday, September 29, 2008 at the Church Center for the United Nations, 777 United nations Plaza, New York, NY, 10017 and finished at 12:30 pm on Wednesday, October 1, 2008.  There were 72 participants representing 15 different denominations or faith communities, 3 interfaith organizations and 7 secular organizations.  The final report is here.

Kinnamon and Kobia: protect the Christians of Iraq
NCC General Secretary Michael Kinnamon has welcomed a call by World Council of Churches General Secretary Samuel Kobia "to quell the violence" against the Christian minority in Iraq. Kobia issued the plea to officials of the United Nations and the Iraqi government, seeking "swift action to quell the violence in Iraq and to thwart activities aimed at the expulsion of Christians and other minority populations."

Church leaders call candidates' attention to the poor
The worldwide economic crisis effects most households, and both major party presidential candidates are expressing their solidarity with middle class people on main street. 
But NCC leaders are reminding Senators John McCain and Barack Obama that persons living in poverty in the United States and around the world are hurt the most by the economic downturn. More

NCC calls for support of beleaguered India Christians
Christians make up two percent of the population of India, and for the past 10 months they have been subject to violent attacks at the hands of Hindus.
"This persecution of Christians in India must stop!" declared NCC General Secretary Michael Kinnamon at  rally of Indian Christians near United Nations headquarters in New York. "We in the United States stand with you in this time of anxiety and suffering.  You are not alone!" More.

Ecumenical response issued to 'A Common Word'
The NCC Governing Board has approved an ecumenical response to "A Common Word Between Us and You," declaring Christianity and Islam "are compelled to find common ground." The Muslim message
is a letter from Muslim scholars worldwide that seeks dialogue with Christians based on love of God and love of neighbor, two commandments central to both Islam and Christianity, as well as to Judaism. More

NCC centennial history vignettes have some surprises
The NCC is posting a series of monthly "Ecumenical Moments" on its Web page as one of several ways of celebrating it's 100th anniversary this year. Most of the "Ecumenical Moments" retrace familiar NCC activities in Bible publishing, religious education, and peace and justice work. But there have been surprises. What, for example, was John Foster Dulles doing in our peace-making history? More.

Decision 2008: principles for casting a Christian vote
Christians will have strong opinions on the issues of Campaign '08 but amid the clamor it's helpful to keep focused on views compelled by our relationship to Christ and to one another. The NCC has reissued "Christian Principles in an Election Year," a helpful Christian lens for examining the issues. The principles can be found here, and can be downloaded for bulletin inserts here.

NCC Women's Ministries offer electioneering guides
Your congregation can make your voice heard during this election year with the assistance of  In Times of Great Decision: How Congregations Can Take Part in Legal, Non-Partisan Election Activities, and Faith Seeking Peace, new resources developed by WAND Educational Fund for people of faith and available through NCC Women's Ministries and the Justice for Women Working Group. More.

Faith leaders ask nominees to address poverty issues
High ranking Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Protestant leaders have called on the presidential candidates of both major parties to use their primetime slots at the nominating conventions to offer plans for combating poverty. "As people of faith, we believe that it is immoral to ignore our nation's most vulnerable populations," the leaders said in letters to John McCain of Arizona and Barack Obama of Illinois. More.

New NRSV formats teach discipleship and eco-justice
The NCC's NRSV is a staple in homes, churches and seminaries, and new formats are aimed at adding new dimensions to the reading of scripture. HarperOne's "The Green Bible" offers what conservationist Cal DeWitt calls a "green lens" for for celebrating creation. And "The Discipleship Study Bible" published by WJK Press is introduced as "the first completely new NRSV study Bible in five years." More.

Church councils minister creatively to immigrants
Compelled by faith to welcome all people as neighbors, church people have developed creative and effective immigrations ministries. Across the country, city and state councils of churches are welcoming additional ideas to enhance their support of neighbors who are sometimes dismissed as 'aliens.'  For an overview of their work � and ideas for ministries in your own neighborhood � look here.

Fond farewells to ones who helped along the way
The ecumenical family is richly diverse and populated with sisters and brothers whose lives were models of faith, fortitude and courage. Some made powerful impacts on the world stage while others lived out God's call in humbler settings. All of them, when they are gone, leave an enormous void. In this page we pause to remember some of them with gratitude and love. More

NCC Health Task Force endorses policy reform effort
The newly formed NCC Health Task Force has joined with AARP and others in promoting a campaign to urge all Americans to seek policies that will better address the unmet needs of the poor and those who lack adequate health care coverage. The NCC recently completed a study in which more than 6000 congregations reported their own health ministries. More.

Survey: churches give high priority to health care
A groundbreaking survey reveals that churches spend a significant amount of time, energy and money in the ministries of health care. The Congregational Health Ministry Survey, conducted by the NCC with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, shows that a majority of churches are ministering to their communities by providing health care ministries. More.

NCC specials from Friendship Press

Eradicating Global Poverty
Eradicating Global Poverty, A Christian Study Guide on the Millennium Development Goals
, written by Lallie Lloyd, is available now from Friendship Press for $7.95 each. This is a compelling and possibly life-changing guide for church schools and other study groups. Ordering information


For the Peace of the World
This 87-page book, edited by Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, the National Council of Churches’ Senior Program Director for Faith and Order and Interfaith Relations, examines the issue of peace and international relationships with essays, Bible studies, prayers, litanies and other worship resources. Ordering information

Jorge Lara-Braud

Dr. Jorge Lara-Braud, assistant general secretary of the NCC for Faith and Order from 1972 to 1980, was a scholar trained in the intricacies of defining the Christian faith. But the Mexican-born Presbyterian wrote that one the most moving definitions he heard came from Oscar Romero two years before the El Salvador archbishop was assassinated in 1980. Romero brought Lara-Braud to tears with his reports of priests and lay leaders who were imprisoned, tortured or killed in El Salvador. "That is the price of a church converted to the Gospel," Romero said. Getting hold of himself, Lara-Braud asked Romeo what he meant by conversion to the Gospel. "To defend the poor as our Lord did," Romero replied.  Lara-Braud, who died last June at 77, was the topic of October's Ecumenical moment.

Your comments and suggestions are welcomed:  Philip E. Jenks, Web Editor, 212-870-2228, Fax: 212-870-2030.  
NCC Communication Department, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 880, New York, NY 10115.

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