Representing the Cutting Edge in Professional Education
Workshops Home Studies Online CE/CME Credit General Info FAQs

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Workshop & Home Study Topics

Trauma and Mindfulness
Depression & Self-Esteem (NEW)
Frontiers of Trauma
Interpersonal Conflict
Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Bipolar Children/Adolescents
Difficult Adolescents
Law and Ethics


Convenient Home Studies
Learn at your own pace with one
of our off-the-shelf home study courses.

Workshop & Home Study Faculty

John Briere, PhD
David Burns, MD
Kiki Chang, MD
Janet Edgette, PsyD
A. Steven Frankel, PhD, JD
Michael Freeman, MD, DMH
Bill O`Hanlon, MS
John Preston, PhD
Bessel van der Kolk, MD
David Wexler, PhD

Find out how IAHB can help your organization produce accredited in-house continuing education programs

Please let us know what workshops and speakers
 you would like to see during the coming year.

Law and Ethics Online
This 6-hour video/powerpoint course satisfies licensing
 requirements, qualifies for Am. Prof. Agency`s risk management discount,
 and is available entirely online

Available 24 hours/day --  Just Click in Anywhere in This Box

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