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Siting Council Decisions
Decisions of the Energy Facility Siting Council
(since January 1, 2001)

July 25, 2008
Shepherds Flat Wind Farm
The Council approved the application for a site certificate submitted by Caithness Shepherds Flat, LLC for the Shepherds Flat Wind Farm. The approved facility is a wind energy facility consisting of not more than 303 wind turbines with a combined peak generating capacity of 909 megawatts. The approved site is located partly in Gilliam County and partly in Morrow County. The project area lies between Highway 19 and Highway 74 on privately-owned land. The site is approximately five miles southeast of Arlington.

May 30, 2008
Mist Underground Gas Storage Facility
The Council approved a request by Northwest Natural (NWN) for Amendment #10 to consolidate the site certificate for the Mist Underground Gas Storage Facility.
The original site certificate for this facility was issued in 1981. The site certificate has been amended nine time times since then. The amendment consolidates the original site certificate and the nine prior amendments into a single document. The consolidated site certificate includes all the conditions in the original site certificate and the previous nine amendments. In some cases, obsolete references and duplicate conditions were deleted. However, all substantive requirements were preserved. The consolidated site certificate also includes updated maps of the site.

November 16, 2007
Klondike III Wind Project
The Council approved a request by Klondike III Wind Power LLC for Amendment #3 of the site certificate for the Klondike III Wind Power Project. The amendment:
  1. Authorizes the certificate holder to construct an additional 43 turbines (for a facility total of not more than 208 turbines).
  2. Allows the certificate holder to select any turbine type for the 43 new turbines subject to the following limits: peak generating capacity of 3.0 megawatts, tower hub height of 100 meters, rotor diameter of 100 meters, and maximum sound power level of 110 dBA, subject to compliance with Condition 102 (noise regulations).
  3. Increases the overall peak generating capacity of the facility by not more than 90 megawatts (for a facility total of not more than 375 megawatts).
  4. Reconfigures some of the previously-approved micrositing areas and add new micrositing areas.
  5. Allows construction of an additional Operations and Maintenance (O&M) building. Eliminate the 4-acre O&M building site approved in the Final Order on the Application.
  6. Increases the area of permanent impact by approximately 25 acres (for a facility total of approximately 97 acres).
  7. Increases the area of temporary construction disturbance by approximately 208 acres (for a facility total of approximately 434 acres).

September 21, 2007
Leaning Juniper II Wind Power Facility
The Council approved the application by Leaning Juniper Wind Power II LLC (a subsidiary of PPM Energy, Inc.) for a site certificate for the Leaning Juniper II Wind Power Facility. The approved facility is a wind energy facility that would have a peak generating capacity of up to 279 megawatts. The facility would be located approximately three miles southwest of Arlington, Oregon, in Gilliam County.
Klamath Generation Facility
The Council approved a request by Klamath Generation LLC for an amendment of the site certificate for the Klamath Generation Facility. The amendment extends the deadline for beginning construction from November 16, 2007, to November 16, 2009. It extends the deadline for completing construction from November 16, 2010, to November 16, 2012.
Klamath Cogeneration Facility
The Council approved a request from Klamath Energy LLC for a transfer of the site certificate for the Klamath Cogeneration Project from the City of Klamath Falls to Klamath Energy LLC, a subsidiary of PPM Energy Inc. (PPM). In addition, the Council approved a plan to offset emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter to address a shortfall in the offsets from sales of steam.

July 27, 2007
Klondike III Wind Project
The Council approved a request by Klondike III Wind Power LLC  for Amendment #2 of the site certificate for the Klondike III Wind Power Project. The amendment authorizes approximately 18.5 acres of additional micrositing area. The amendment authorizes the construction of a single wind turbine, an access road and a collector line within this new micrositing area. The amendment allows the certificate holder to select any turbine type for construction within the new area, subject to the restrictions that the hub height does not exceed 80 meters, the rotor diameter does not exceed 92.5 meters, the peak generating capacity does not exceed 2.4 megawatts and the maximum sound power level does not exceed 110 dBA.
South Mist Pipeline Extension
The Council approved a request by Northwest Natural for Amendment #4 of the site certificate for the South Mist Pipeline Extension  (SMPE). The SMPE is a 24-inch natural gas pipeline that runs from northern Washington county to a point near Molalla, Oregon. The pipeline ends at the Molalla Gate Station located on South Barnards Road between Canby and Molalla in Clackamas County. The amendment:
  1. Allows removal of horizontal inclinometers in the Sherman Mill slide area.
  2. Allows installation of two refurbished compressors and ancillary equipment at the Molalla Gate Station to increase the pressure and deliver gas from the SMPE to the interstate pipeline located at the Molalla Gate Station. The interstate pipeline is under federal jurisdiction and is operated by Williams Company. The Molalla Gate Station is a fenced and graveled yard which Northwest Natural shares with Williams. The amendment also allows a temporary laydown and parking area across South Barnards Road from the Molalla Gate Station, in a location used by the Christmas tree farmer for seasonal tree loading and mobilization.


July 2, 2007
Columbia Ethanol Project
The Council approved a site certificate for the proposed Columbia Ethanol Project, subject to conditions. The proposed energy facility is an ethanol plant capable of producing 35 million gallons per year of ethanol. It is located on a 25-acre parcel in the Boardman Industrial Park, Port of Morrow, Morrow County, Oregon. Major plant components consist of buildings, storage tanks and bins.  It will receive corn by rail for conversion into fuel grade ethanol and other agricultural products.  The site includes an existing rail loop and is adjacent to a planned barge docking facility. The barge docking facility will be constructed by Tidewater, Inc., and is under separate jurisdiction.  The Pacific Ethanol facility will also include a 1,700-foot electrical transmission line interconnecting with the existing Umatilla Electric Cooperative system, a 1,700-foot natural gas pipeline of 4-inch diameter connecting to Cascade Natural Gas and a 2,200-foot ethanol pipeline 8-inches in diameter, connecting with the Tidewater barge docking facility.

May 11, 2007
The Council approved amendments to the rules in OAR Chapter 345. The changes update the rules in accordance with current law, eliminate rules that are no longer needed and "streamline" Council procedures.

May 10, 2007
Biglow Canyon Wind Farm
The Council approved a request by Portland General Electric Company (PGE) for Amendment #2 of the site certificate for the Biglow Canyon Wind Farm. The amendment:
  1. Authorizes new access road segments outside of the previously-approved turbine micrositing corridors.
  2. Authorizes new collector line segments outside of the previously-approved turbine micrositing corridors.
  3. Increases the area of temporary construction disturbance to include crane paths and construction area around new access road and collector line segments.
  4. Expands one turbine micrositing corridor.
  5. Eliminates one alternative substation location.
  6. Eliminates aboveground 230-kV or 500-kV transmission lines.
  7. Increases the area of temporary and permanent impacts to Category 6 habitat by approximately 33 acres and increases the area of temporary and permanent impacts to higher-value habitat by approximately 1.4 acres.
  8. Adds a condition requiring the certificate holder to perform a spring rare plant survey in an area crossed by a proposed new collector line segment.
  9. Adds a condition requiring the certificate holder to avoid construction impact to a stream channel and a wetland.
  10. Requires the certificate holder to provide resource survey information (cultural resources, rare plants and wetlands) for an alternative turbine corridor near Klondike Road in the southern portion of the project site.
  11. Revises the boundaries of the habitat mitigation site.
  12. Allows the certificate holder the option to use its own qualified biologists to monitor nest sites for sensitive species during construction, to perform some of the wildlife and habitat monitoring and mitigation activities required under the site certificate, to conduct revegetation monitoring and to conduct monitoring of habitat enhancement in the habitat mitigation area.
  13. Eliminates one property from the previously-identified list of noise sensitive properties.
  14. Eliminates the certificate holder’s option to build the facility in a single phase of construction.
  15. Revises the site restoration cost estimate to account for changes to the facility described in the amendment request.
  16. Allows the limited use of PGE logos on wind turbine nacelles.
 COB Energy Facility
The Council terminated the site certificate for the COB Energy Facility.

February 2, 2007
Altra Biodiesel
The Council approved a request by Altra Biodiesel of Oregon LLC for an exemption of the proposed Altra Biodiesel facility from the site certificate requirement. The proposed site is 9.3 acres on land owned by the Port of Morrow in Boardman, Oregon, in the Port Industrial zone. The Council has previously granted Altra an exemption for a bioethanol facility, which the company also proposed to built at the Port of Morrow industrial area. The biodiesel project is a separate project by the same developer.
The planned facility would convert domestically produced soy or canola oil, imported palm oil or other seed oil to produce biodiesel fuel. The facility will be capable of producing up to 40 million gallons per year of biodiesel. The Council approved an exemption under ORS 469.320(2)(f) for a biofuel production facility that has local land use approval, that requires no transmission lines or pipelines that would require a site certificate and that produce a fuel, at least 90 percent of which is used in an industrial or refueling facility located within one mile of the facility or is transported from the facility by rail or barge.
Morrow Bioenergy Project
The Council approved a request by Morrow Bioenergy LLC for an exemption of the proposed Morrow Bioenergy Project from the site certificate requirement. The proposed site is 28 acres on land owned by the Port of Morrow in Boardman, Oregon, in the Port Industrial zone. The proposed facility would be capable of producing up to 60 million gallons per year of biodiesel from seed oils.
The Council approved an exemption under ORS 469.320(2)(f) for a biofuel production facility that has local land use approval, that requires no transmission lines or pipelines that would require a site certificate and that produce a fuel, at least 90 percent of which is used in an industrial or refueling facility located within one mile of the facility or is transported from the facility by rail or barge.

December 15, 2006
Summit/Westward Project
The Council approved the termination of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project, based on a finding that the site certificate had expired. Construction of the facility had not begun by the deadline specified in the site certificate.
Altra Ethanol Facility
The Council approved a request by Altra Ethanol LLC for an exemption from the site certificate requirement for a proposed ethanol production facility. The proposed facility would be located at the Port of Morrow near Boardman, Oregon. The proposed facility would produce up to 50 million gallons of fuel grade ethanol per year. The fuel-production facility is an energy facility under ORS 469.300(11)(a)(G). The Council granted the exemption under ORS 469.320(2)(f), which authorizes an exemption for ethanol production facilities that meet specific criteria.
Lower Columbia Clean Energy Center Project
The Council appointed the Columbia County Board of Commissioners as the Special Advisory Group for the Lower Columbia Clean Energy Center Project.

November 3, 2006
Klondike III Wind Project
The Council approved a request by Klondike Wind Power III LLC for Amendment #1 of the site certificate. The amendment:
  1. Authorizes the use of larger turbines.
  2. Increases the authorized peak generating capacity of the facility from 272.25 megawatts to approximately 285 megawatts.
  3. Allows construction of 34.5-kV collector lines outside of previously-approved areas, allows up to 12 miles of aboveground 34.5-kV collector lines and eliminates the previously-approved 230-kV transmission line along Klondike Lane.
  4. Eliminates the previously-approved substation near Webfoot.
  5. Allows construction of approximately 3 miles of access road segments outside of previously-approved areas.
  6. Gives the certificate holder the option of locating the Operations and Maintenance building on a 3-acre site south of Klondike Lane or on the previously-approved 4-acre site.
  7. Changes the location of all three project meteorological (met) towers.
  8. Allows minor widening of turbine micrositing corridors.
  9. Allows temporary disturbance outside of previously-approved areas.
Biglow Canyon Wind Farm
The Council approved a request to transfer the site certificate from Orion Sherman County Wind Farm LLC to Portland General Electric Company.

September 29, 2006
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council approved a request by Portland General Electric Company (PGE) for Amendment #5 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project. The facility is a natural-gas-fired electric generation facility that is under construction. It is located about 4.5 miles north of Clatskanie, Oregon. The amendment allows the construction of an additional natural gas pipeline to support the facility. The new pipeline would be approximately 2000 feet long and approximately 12 inches in diameter.
Hermiston Power Project
The Council approved a change in the form and amount of the letter of credit.

August 25, 2006
Shepherds Flat Wind Farm
The Council appointed Gilliam and Morrow Counties as the Special Advisory Groups for the proposed Shepherds Flat Wind Farm.
The Council authorized the Department of Energy to initiate a rulemaking proceeding. The Department will review all of Energy Facility Siting Council rules in OAR Chapter 345 with particular attention to rules governing the facility siting process.

June 30, 2006
Klondike III Wind Power Project
The Council issued a final order granting a site certificate to Klondike Wind Power III LLC for the Klondike III Wind Power Project. The facility is a wind energy facility with a peak generating capacity of approximately 272 megawatts approved for construction in Sherman County east of Wasco.
Biglow Canyon Wind Farm
The Council issued a final order granting a site certificate to Orion Sherman County Wind Farm LLC for the Biglow Canyon Wind Farm. The facility is a wind energy facility with a peak generating capacity of up to 450 megawatts approved for construction in Sherman County east of Wasco.

May 19, 2006
Pacific Ethanol Energy Project
The Council approved a request by Pacific Ethanol, Inc., for an exemption from the site certificate requirement for a proposed ethanol fuel production facility to be located within the Port of Morrow Industrial Park in Morrow County. The proposed facility would produce multiple products, including 42 million gallons of fuel grade ethanol per year. The fuel-production facility is an energy facility under ORS 469.300(11)(a)(G). The Council granted the exemption under ORS 469.320(2)(f), which authorizes an exemption for ethanol production facilities that meet specific criteria.
The Council appointed the Morrow County as the Special Advisory Group for the proposed Pacific Ethanol Energy Project.
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council adopted a final order approving a request by Portland General Electric Company (PGE) for Amendment #4 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project. The amendment allows PGE to use an additional six acres of temporary laydown area for storage and staging of equipment and material during construction. The temporary laydown area is on land adjacent to the site approved under the site certificate. The Council previously issued a temporary order on February 10, 2006.

February 10, 2006
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council approved a request by Portland General Electric Company (PGE) for Amendment #4 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project. The amendment allows PGE to use an additional six acres of temporary laydown area for storage and staging of equipment and material during construction. The temporary laydown area is on land adjacent to the site approved under the site certificate. The Council issued a temporary order. Under the expedited amendment process, if no one requests a contested case within 15 days after issuance of the temporary order, the Council may issue a final order at its next meeting.

January 20, 2006
Stateline Wind Project
The Council approved amendments to the Oregon Wildlife Monitoring Plan. The amendments addressed additional mitigation that will be undertaken by the certificate holder, FPL Energy Vansycle LLC, at the Stateline Wind Project, due to the facility's impact on raptor habitat. The Plan describes the ongoing avian and bat monitoring requirements at the Stateline facility.
Oregon Ethanol Facility
The Council approved a request by Greenstock Resources, Inc., for exemption from the site certificate requirement for the proposed Oregon Ethanol Facility. The proposed facility would be an ethanol production facilty and would be located at the Port of Morrow in Morrow County, Oregon. The site is about a mile from the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project. The Council granted the exemption in accordance with ORS 469.320(2)(f), which authorizes an exemption for ethanol production facilities that meet specific criteria.
The facility would receive corn for conversion into hominy feed, unrefined corn oil and other food related co-products. It would be designed to produce up to 30 million gallons of fuel grade ethanol per year. The fuel-production facility is an energy facility under ORS 469.300(11)(a)(G).
The facility is a permitted use under the Morrow County land use plan. It would need no new electric transmission lines, and no natural gas service. Power for the facility would be generated in part by onsite generation, with wood waste as fuel. The proposed site is close to barge and rail service, and the facility wouldl ship at least 90% of its ethanol product by barge or rail.
Leaning Juniper Wind Power Facility
The Council appointed the Gilliam County Court as the Special Advisory Group for the proposed Leaning Juniper Wind Power Facility.

December 16, 2005
Treasure Valley Renewable Resources
The Council approved a request by Treasure Valley Renewable Resources for an exemption from the site certificate requirement for a proposed biorefinery to be located near Ontario, Oregon, in Malheur County. The proposed facility would produce multiple products, including 30 million gallons of fuel ethanol per year. The fuel-production facility is an energy facility under ORS 469.300(11)(a)(G). The Council granted the exemption under ORS 469.320(2)(f), which authorizes an exemption for ethanol production facilities that meet specific criteria.

September 27, 2005
Hermiston Power Project
The Council approved a request by the Hermiston Power Partnership for Amendment #5 to the site certificate for the Hermiston Power Project  (HPP). The amendment reduces the amount of financial assurance funds necessary to restore the HPP site to a useful, non-hazardous condition when the facility is retired.
Klamath Generation Facility
The Council issued a final order approving issuance of a site certificate to Klamath Generation LLC for the Klamath Generation Facility (KGF), subject to conditions.
Klamath Generation Peakers
The Council issued a final order approving issuance of a site certificate to Klamath Energy LLC for the Klamath Generation Peakers, subject to conditions.
PGE Petition for Declaratory Ruling
The Council issued a declaratory ruling concerning site certificates held by Portland General Electric Company (PGE). Under a bankruptcy plan that Enron filed under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, PGE common stock held by Enron would be among the Enron assets distributed to creditors. The bankruptcy court confirmed the plan in its order of July 15, 2004. As stated in PGE's petition for a declaratory ruling, "the proposed issuance of New PGE Common Stock, the release from the Reserve and the associated separation of PGE from Enron is necessary to implement the Plan’s directive to transfer 100 percent of PGE’s common equity from Enron to creditors of Enron. Upon issuance of the New PGE Common Stock, PGE will be separated from Enron and will become of "stand-alone" publicly traded Oregon corporation."
In the declaratory ruling, the Council determined that the transfer of common stock and separation of PGE from Enron would not constitute a transfer of possession or control of PGE’s energy facilities. The facilities in question are the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project, the Boardman Power Plant, the Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and the Port Westward Generation Project.

August 19, 2005
PGE Petition for Declaratory Ruling
The Council approved the initiation of a declaratory ruling proceeding on a petition by Portland General Electric (PGE). The request for declaratory ruling arises out of the bankruptcy plan that Enron filed under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, under which PGE common stock held by Enron would be among the Enron assets distributed to creditors. The bankruptcy court confirmed the plan in its order of July 15, 2004. As stated in the petition, "the proposed issuance of New PGE Common Stock, the release from the Reserve and the associated separation of PGE from Enron is necessary to implement the Plan’s directive to transfer 100 percent of PGE’s common equity from Enron to creditors of Enron. Upon issuance of the New PGE Common Stock, PGE will be separated from Enron and will become of "stand-alone" publicly traded Oregon corporation."
In its petition, PGE requests that the Council determine whether the transfer of common stock and separation of PGE from Enron could be construed to constitute a transfer of ownership of PGE’s energy facilities. The facilities in question are the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project, the Boardman Power Plant, the Trojan Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and the Port Westward Generation Project.
Biglow Canyon Wind Farm
The Council appointed the Sherman County Board of Commissioners as the Special Advisory Group for the Biglow Canyon Wind Farm. The proposed project is a wind energy facility.

June 20, 2005
Stateline Wind Project
The Council approved a request by FPL Energy Vansycle LLC (FPL) for Amendment #3 of the site certificate for the Stateline Wind Project. The amendment:
  1. Extends by 24 months the deadlines for beginning and completing construction of Stateline 3. Stateline 3 is a portion of the Stateline Wind Project consisting of 279 wind turbines authorized under Site Certificate Amendment #2, which the Council approved on June 6, 2003. None of these turbines has been built.
  2. Modifies Condition 105 of the site certificate to allow compliance with state noise control regulations, OAR 340-035-0035, as amended by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission in June 2004. The amended regulations allow a new noise source to increase the ambient statistical noise levels by more than 10 dBA, if the person who owns the noise sensitive property executes a legally effective easement or real covenant authorizing the increase.
Ontario Power Project
The Council approved a request by Cogentech Inc. for exemption from the site certificate  requirement for the Ontario Power Project, a proposed cogeneration facility. Cogentech proposed to build the facility adjacent to the Heinz/Ore-Ida Foods facility in Ontario, Oregon. The facility would have a generating capacity of approximately 58 megawatts and would provide 125,000 pounds per hour of process steam to the Ore-Ida foods facility. The steam from the cogeneration process would be used to replace existing steam boilers at the Ore-Ida facility. The Council found that the proposed facility qualified for the high efficiency cogeneration exemption.
Jordan Cove Energy Project
The Council appointed the governing bodies of Coos County, the City of North Bend and the City of Coos Bay as Special Advisory Groups for the proposed Jordan Cove Energy Project. The proposed energy facility is a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal.
Northern Star Natural Gas Project
The Council appointed the Clatsop County Commission as the Special Advisory Group for the Northern Star Natural Gas Project (Bradwood Landing). The proposed energy facility is a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal.

April 8, 2005
Turner Energy Center
The Council denied Calpine's request for a one-year suspension and voted to terminate the application process for the Turner Energy Center (TEC). Accordingly, the Department withdrew its draft proposed order.
Turner Energy Center, LLC , a wholly-owned subsidiary of Calpine Corporation, submitted an application for a site certificate on December 20, 2001. The Department declared the application complete on October 7, 2003. On March 11, 2005, Calpine Corporation submitted a request to the Council for a one-year suspension of all site-certificate-related activities for the TEC application. In the alternative, if the suspension were not approved, Calpine requested that all site certificate related activities for TEC be cancelled.
Trojan Nuclear Plant
The Council found that the decommissioning of the Trojan Nuclear Plant was complete and that the site met all criteria for unrestricted release. Unrestricted release means that the site can be safely used for any purpose, including residential use.
In December 2004, Portland General Electric (PGE) completed decommissioning of the Trojan Nuclear Plant and completed final radiation surveys showing that the site meets federal criteria at 10 CFR 20 for unconditional release.
The process of collecting and analyzing the data to support unrestricted release is called the Final Radiological Survey, (or "final survey"). Portland General Electric (PGE), which owns the Trojan plant, is responsible for decommissioning and for the final survey. In December 2004, PGE submitted the last of 9 final survey reports, which include the data and analysis in support of a finding that the site meets the criteria for unrestricted release.
The technology involved in the final survey is unfamiliar to people outside the nuclear field. The Department staff prepared a briefing document, describing the concepts behind the federal guidance manual for performing such surveys.
Klondike III Wind Project
The Council appointed the Sherman County Board of Commissioners as the Special Advisory Group for the Klondike III Wind Project. The proposed project is a wind energy facility.
Rules Regarding Trojan Decommissioning
The Council adopted amendments of the Council rules in Division 26 that set forth continuing requirements for security, monitoring, emergency plans, periodic reporting and eventual decommissioning of the spent fuel storage facility at the Trojan Nuclear Plant.

January 28, 2005
COB Energy Facility
The Council approved the form of its final order and the site certificate for the COB Energy Facility. The Council had previously approved issuance of the site certificate (November 4, 2004).
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council approved the request by Portland General Electric (PGE) for Amendment #3 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project. The amendment allows:
  1. Changes to the electrical transmission line alignment along Heath Road adjacent to the Allston Substation, in an area south of the Allston Substation, and in the area known as Trojan Heights.
  2. Addition of construction staging and laydown areas near the energy facility site.
  3. Addition of an area south of the energy facility site for disposal of excess soil from construction.
  4. Addition of an auxiliary boiler within the energy facility site.
  5. Inclusion of the proposed switchyard as part of Phase 1 rather than Phase 2.
  6. New buildings at the existing PGE intake structure on Bradbury slough for electrical controls and chlorination, respectively.
  7. Reduction in the required retirement funds; and,
  8. Modification of certain conditions regarding habitat protection.
Summit/Westward Project
The Council approved a request by Westward Energy LLC for Amendment #5 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project (Summit). As originally approved in October 2002, the project would receive natural gas via a 16-inch pipeline buried under existing road that extends from Portland General Electric´s (PGE) Beaver Generating Plant. The amendment allows the certificate holder to place the pipeline adjacent to the road but outside the road right of way.
Umatilla Generating Project
At its meeting on January 28, 2005, the Council approved termination of the site certificate for the Umatilla Generating Project.

December 2, 2004
Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project
The Council approved a request by Avista Corporation for a partial transfer of the site certificate for the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project (Unit 2). The Council approved a transfer of a one-half ownership interest in Unit 2 from Mirant Oregon to Avista.
Port Westward Generating Project 
The Council approved the forms and issuers of the letters of credit for financial assurance and monetary path payment requirements (for compliance with the carbon dioxide emission standard) for the Port Westward Generating Project.
Fee Schedule
The Council approved an updated schedule of fees.

November 4, 2004
COB Energy Facility
The Council approved issuance of a site certificate to COB Energy Facility LLC for the COB Energy Facility, subject to conditions. The approved facility is a 1,150-megawatt, combined-cycle combustion turbine system. The site is three miles south of Bonanza, Oregon, in Klamath County. A new 7.2-mile, 500 kV transmission line would connect the facility to the Captain Jack substation to the south. Natural gas would be supplied to the facility through a new 4.1-mile lateral from the existing PG&E Gas Transmission Northwest pipeline. Water would be supplied from a well about 2.8 miles from the site. The certificate holder will comply with the carbon dioxide standard via the monetary path by providing funds to The Climate Trust. The energy facility would use an air-cooled condenser system.

September 24, 2004
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council approved a final order on a request by Portland General Electric (PGE) for Amendment #2 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project (PWG). The amendment extends the construction beginning and completion deadlines by 24 months and allows PGE the option to change the site plan and divide the energy facility into two sections (one for each generating unit), separated by a roadway.
Summit/Westward Project
Amendment #3
The Council approved a final order on a request by Westward Energy LLC for Amendment #3 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project (Summit). The amendment allows the certificate holder to build the facility in two phases. In phase 1, Summit would construct the first unit, with capacity of approximately 260 MW. In phase 2, Summit would build the remaining 260 MW unit. The required payments to the Oregon Climate Trust for carbon dioxide offsets would also be phased.  
In addition, the amendment reduces the amount financial assurance for site restoration from approximately $11 million to approximately $2.4 million. The bond will be phased, with approximately $1.7 million due at start of construction of phase 1. The bond will increase to $2.4 million at start of construction on phase 2.
Amendment #4
The Council also approved a request by Westward Energy LLC for Amendment #4 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project (Summit). The amendment extends the dates for beginning and completing construction of the facility by two years. Under the amended site certificate, the certificate holder is required to begin construction by October 3, 2006 and to finish construction by April 3, 2009.

July 23, 2004
Summit Westward Project
The Council approved a temporary order on a request by Westward Energy LLC for Amendment #3 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project (Summit). The amendment allows the certificate holder to build the facility in two phases. In phase 1, Summit would construct the first unit, with capacity of approximately 260 MW. In phase 2, Summit would build the remaining 260 MW unit. The required payments to the Oregon Climate Trust for carbon dioxide offsets would also be phased.
In addition, the amendment reduces the amount financial assurance for site restoration from approximately $11 million to approximately $2.4 million. The bond will be phased, with approximately $1.7 million due at start of construction of phase 1. The bond will increase to $2.4 million at start of construction on phase 2.
Boardman Coal Plant
The Council approved in part a request by Portland General Electric for revisions to the environmental monitoring programs for the Boardman Coal Plant. The Council approved the elimination of three monitoring parameters for Carty Reservoir. The Council denied the request to eliminate aerial photography.

April 23, 2004
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council approved a final order on a request by Portland General Electric (PGE) for Amendment #2 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project (PWG). The amendment extends the construction beginning and completion deadlines by 24 months and allows PGE the option to change the site plan and divide the energy facility into two sections (one for each generating unit), separated by a roadway.
Summit/Westward Project
Amendment #3
The Council approved a final order on a request by Westward Energy LLC for Amendment #3 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project (Summit). The amendment allows the certificate holder to build the facility in two phases. In phase 1, Summit would construct the first unit, with capacity of approximately 260 MW. In phase 2, Summit would build the remaining 260 MW unit. The required payments to the Oregon Climate Trust for carbon dioxide offsets would also be phased.  
In addition, the amendment reduces the amount financial assurance for site restoration from approximately $11 million to approximately $2.4 million. The bond will be phased, with approximately $1.7 million due at start of construction of phase 1. The bond will increase to $2.4 million at start of construction on phase 2.
Amendment #4
The Council also approved a request by Westward Energy LLC for Amendment #4 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project (Summit). The amendment extends the dates for beginning and completing construction of the facility by two years. Under the amended site certificate, the certificate holder is required to begin construction by October 3, 2006 and to finish construction by April 3, 2009.

February 13, 2004
Summit/Westward Project
The Council approved a request by Westward Energy, LLC ("Westward") for Amendment #1 of the site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project. The amendment allows the certificate the option to use an alternative transmission service provider and route.
As described in the site certificate, the Summit Project would deliver electric power to the regional grid at the Bonneville Power Administration´s Allston Substation by interconnecting with a 230-kV transmission line to be erected by Portland General Electric ("PGE") pursuant to a site certificate for the PGE Port Westward Generating Project. Current conditions in the Summit/Westward Site Certificate with respect to a transmission line apply only to the Summit/Westward on-site electrical transmission line that connects to the PGE line. The amendment adds an option of a transmission line alternative to allow for connection between the Summit Project site and a new substation (the "Bradbury Substation").
The Clatskanie People´s Utility District (CPUD) would construct the Bradbury Substation to provide service to new industrial loads that are being located in the Port Westward Industrial Park and to provide reinforcement for the existing CPUD electric distribution system in the Clatskanie and Delena areas. CPUD would also construct a 230 kV line to connect the Bradbury Substation to the CPUD´s existing 230 kV Wauna Substation. The Wauna Substation is interconnected to the BPA 230 kV transmission grid through the BPA Driscoll switchyard. The Bradbury Substation and transmission facilities to be constructed by CPUD would also be used to integrate power from the Summit Project.

December 5, 2003
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council approved a request by Portland General Electric (PGE) for Amendment #1 of the site certificate for the Port Westward Generating Project. The amendment allows PGE to:
  • Add an enclosed natural gas compression station and a dead-end transmission structure to the energy facility.
  • Add potable and demineralized water lines, backup 13.8 kV electricity line, and communications lines, all of which PGE would construct below ground between the PGE Beaver Generating Plant or the potable water tank and PWGP.
  • Obtain water for the energy facility from PGE´s existing industrial water right as well as from the Port of St. Helen´s municipal water right, the latter of which is already approved in the Site Certificate.
  • Be allowed the added options to develop only one of the two proposed generating units or to develop both units of the energy facility in two distinct phases.
  • Increase the number of transformers from four to six, without changing the overall dimensions of the energy facility.
  • Switch the location of ponds and tanks within the energy facility site.
Mist Underground Gas Storage Facility 
The Council approved a request by Northwest Natural ("NWN") for Amendment #9 of the site certificate for the Mist Underground Gas Storage Facility. The amendment allows NWN to develop new gas storage reservoirs and install associated gathering lines on land within their existing site. Improvements at the Miller Compression Station will bring the throughput capacity to a maximum of 515 million cubic feet per day. The amendment removed a requirement for a vibration monitoring program, because after 15 years of monitoring, the data shows no correlation between gas storage activities and seismic activity.
South Mist Pipeline Extension
The Council adopted its temporary order of October 8, 2003, as a final order. The order approved a request by Northwest Natural (NWN) for Amendment #2 of the site certificate for the South Mist Pipeline Extension.

October 8, 2003
South Mist Pipeline Extension
The Council approved a request by Northwest Natural (NWN) for Amendment #2 of the site certificate for the South Mist Pipeline Extension. The Council approved the amendment under its procedure for expedited amendment (OAR 345-027-0080) and has issued a temporary order. The amendment allows NWN to add a new diversion point for water withdrawal from the Willamette River. NWN uses the water for underground boring and to pressure test the pipe. The water use is subject to limitations in the limited water license issued by the Water Resources Department (WRD). The new diversion point is located at the marina near where Boone´s Ferry Road reaches the Willamette River´s south bank. No new facilities are needed because NWN would connect the withdrawal pump directly to an existing 12-inch pipe that is unrelated to the South Mist Pipeline Extension. NWN has requested amendments to a Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) permit (WPCF permit) and the limited water license for construction of the pipeline. The amendment will allow NWN to build the southern 11.7 miles of the pipeline, between Barnards Road and Aurora Airport, during the fall of 2003.

August 28, 2003
South Mist Pipeline Extension
The Council approved a request by Northwest Natural (NWN) for Amendment #1 of the site certificate for the South Mist Pipeline Extension. The site certificate authorizes a 62-mile natural gas pipeline from northern Washington County to the interstate pipeline near Molalla, Oregon. The site certificate limits the permanent easement width for the pipeline to 40 feet but allows temporary construction easements of up to 80 feet. There is also a limit on the width of private easement that NWN can acquire if the corridor is along public right-of-way. In its original application for this pipeline, NWN analyzed a 200-foot wide corridor for locating the pipeline. The proposed amendment:
  1. Permits additional temporary access roads and temporary workspace on 40 separate properties.
  2. Allows 10 extra feet of pipeline right of way outside the public road right of way at the Nordstrom and Schmidt properties in order to avoid removing large trees.
  3. Reduces the required separation between the pipeline and other underground farm infrastructure (such as drain and irrigation lines) from 24 inches to 12 inches.
  4. Allows an alternative method of segregating topsoil from subsoil on farmland.
  5. Allows NWN to store segregated topsoil outside the normal 80-foot construction easement, if the landowner requests it.
The Council adopted amendments to the Council rules. The rule amendments include rules relating to carbon dioxide (CO2) offset projects. Under current Council rules, a site certificate applicant may satisfy the CO2 emissions standard by proposing to implement offset projects. Amendments in Division 21 address information requirements for a CO2 offset project. Amendments in Division 24 explain how the Council would evaluate a proposed offset project.
In addition, the Council adopted amendments to OAR 345-022-0000(2), which is the rule language interpreting the Council´s authority under ORS 469.501(3) to balance the overall public benefits of a proposed energy facility against the damage to resources protected by any Council standard the facility does not meet. It was the sense of the Council that the balancing rule would continue to be applied only in special circumstances that will rarely occur. The amendment language updates and clarifies the language of the rule. The changes should not be viewed as encouragement of greater use of the rule.
The Council adopted other rule amendments to correct minor errors in the Council´s rules, clarify rules and make a limited number of substantive rule changes based on knowledge gained from recent energy facility siting experience. The substantive rule changes include definitions in OAR 345-001-0010, procedural rules regarding expedited review of special criteria facilities (OAR 345-015-0310 and -0320), site certificate application requirements (OAR 345-021-0010(1)), amendment of a site certificate application (OAR 345-021-0090), procedural rules regarding amendment of a site certificate (OAR 345-027-0060 and -0070) and procedural rules regarding site certificate termination.

August 20, 2003
South Mist Pipeline Extension
The Council approved the form and issuer of the bond required before beginning construction of the Sherwood/Molalla pipeline. The Council action was required under a condition of the site certificate for the Northwest Natural South Mist Pipeline Extension.

June 6, 2003
Umatilla Generating Project
The Siting Council approved the request by the Umatilla Generating Company (UGC) to amend the site certificate for the Umatilla Generating Project (Amendment #2). Amendment #2 extends the deadline for beginning construction to September 14, 2005 and extends the deadline for completing construction to March 14, 2008. In addition, under Council rules, the amendment updates the CO2 standard for the monetary offset rate to $0.85 and the CO2 emissions standard to 0.675 lb. CO2/kWh for the power augmentation. These have changed since the Council approved the site certificate in September 2001.
Stateline Wind Project
The Siting Council approved the request by FPL Energy Vansycle, LLC, (FPL) to amend the site certificate for the Stateline Wind Project (Amendment #2). Amendment #2 authorizes expansion of the Stateline facility by construction of 279 new wind turbines in Oregon (Stateline 3). The proposed turbines would increase the generating capacity of Stateline by approximately 184 megawatts. The amendment requires FPL to begin construction of these turbines within two years after Council approval of the amendment and to complete construction before December 31, 2005.
In addition, Amendment #2 extends the time to complete the construction of Stateline 2. FPL has built 55 of the 60 turbines that the Council authorized under Amendment #1. Amendment #2 extends the Stateline 2 construction deadline to March 1, 2005.

May 9, 2003
The Council authorized the Department of Energy to initiate a rulemaking proceeding. Proposed amendments to the Council rules include rules relating to carbon dioxide offset projects. Other proposed rule amendments would correct minor errors that staff has discovered in the Council´s rules, clarify rules that are somewhat ambiguous and make a limited number of substantive rule changes based on knowledge gained from recent experience.
Coburg Power Project
The Council approved a request to extend the duration of the notice of intent for the proposed Coburg Power Project until October 11, 2004.
Boardman Coal Plant
The Council approved a request to amend the Ecological Monitoring Program at the Boardman Coal Plant. The amendment eliminates the requirement for chemical monitoring of soils and vegetation. Based on 20 years of data, there is no discernable relationship between concentrations of chemicals in soil and vegetation and coal ash deposition from plant operations. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality concur in the modification of the monitoring program.
Klamath Cogeneration Project
The Council approved a form of trust agreement for holding carbon dioxide offset credits. Carbon dioxide credits result from implementation of the carbon dioxide projects described in the site certificate for the Klamath Cogeneration Project.

March 13, 2003
South Mist Pipeline Extension
The Council approved an application by Northwest Natural Gas (NWN) for the South Mist Pipeline Extension. Generally, the Council approved the corridor as proposed by NWN, but with certain conditions. Two of the more significant Council decisions are:
  • In segments where the corridor follows a public road, the Council placed a 20-foot limit on the amount of permanent easement that NWN can use outside the public right of way in the Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) zone. The Council also placed a 50-foot limit on the width of NWN temporary construction easement along road right of way in the EFU zone.
  • In the Agricultural Mitigation Plan, the Council required NWN to strip and segregate topsoil to the "A" horizon, as recommended by the Farm Bureau. Also, the Council required disputes over compensation for crop losses to be settled by a neutral and qualified third party, who must be acceptable to both NWN and a Farm Bureau delegate. The Council also required NWN to pay the costs of the neutral third party.

December 2, 2002
The Council approved an amendment of OAR 345-026-0390 regarding spent nuclear fuel storage. The amended rule addresses the decommissioning of the Trojan Nuclear Plant. The amendment allows Portland General Electric to store spent fuel in dry steel canisters designed by Holtec International.

November 8, 2002
Port Westward Generating Project
The Council granted a site certificate to Portland General Electric Company (PGE) for the Port Westward Generating Project. The approved energy facility is a 650-megawatt, gas-fired combined-cycle generating plant to be located on land PGE currently leases from the Port of St. Helens in the proximity of the existing Beaver Generating Plant near Clatskanie, Oregon, in Columbia County.
Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project
The Council approved a transfer of the site certificate for the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project (Unit 2) to Mirant Oregon and Avista Corporation (Amendment #8).
Fee Schedule
The Council approved an updated schedule of fees.

October 4, 2002
Grizzly Power Generation Project
The Council denied a request by Grizzly Power LLC for an extension of the notice of intent (NOI). The Department of Energy issued a project order for the project on June 4, 2001. Under Council rules, the applicant must submit an application within 18 months after the issuance of the NOI. The NOI for the Grizzly project would expire December 4, 2002. Grizzly had withdrawn its application and requested a one-year extension of its NOI. Grizzly stated that market conditions hindered the company from immediately moving forward on the project. The Council found that other factors indicate the project is unlikely to proceed within a year: 1) the applicant does not plan to renew any lease options for property that would be involved in the project, 2) the applicant stated publicly that the company is not optimistic about its potential to move forward on the project in six months and 3) despite a recommendation to do so, the applicant did not send a representative to the Council´s meeting to discuss the extension request.

October 3, 2002
Summit/Westward Project
The Council approved a final order and site certificate for the Summit/Westward Project. The order allows Summit to construct a natural-gas fired combined-cycle combustion turbine power plant with a nominal electric generating capacity of 520 megawatts. The facility would be located at Port Westward in Columbia County.
Cascade Grain
The Council granted Cascade Grain Products, LLC, an exemption from the requirement to obtain a site certificate for a proposed 100 million gallon per year ethanol production facility. The facility would include electric generation of less than 25 MW using either a natural gas-fueled steam generator or a gas turbine generator. Thermal power production of less than 25 MW would not require a site certificate. The proposed facility would be located at Port Westward near Clatskanie, Oregon, in Columbia County. The Council granted the exemption under ORS 469.320(2)(f).

July 12, 2002
Hermiston Power Project
The Council approved modification of testing parameters for duct firing to verify fuel efficiency for the Hermiston Power Project. The standard 100-hour test for base-load gas plants is used to verify the level of carbon dioxide emissions for purposes of determining compliance with the Council´s carbon dioxide emissions standard. Duct firing is used at some facilities to boost output to meet peak demand for short periods. The 100-hour test is not appropriate for measuring emissions from duct firing.

May 17, 2002
Stateline Wind Project
The Council approved a request by FPL Energy Vansycle LLC to amend the site certificate for the Stateline Wind Project (Amendment #1). The amendment allows construction of 60 additional wind turbines and would increase the nominal generating capacity of the facility to approximately 122 megawatts.
Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project
The Council approved modification of testing parameters for duct firing to verify fuel efficiency for the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project. The standard 100-hour test for base-load gas plants is used to verify the level of carbon dioxide emissions for purposes of determining compliance with the Council´s carbon dioxide emissions standard. Duct firing is used at some facilities to boost output to meet peak demand for short periods. The 100-hour test is not appropriate for measuring emissions from duct firing.

March 29, 2002
The Council approved amendments to the energy facility siting rules in OAR Chapter 345, Divisions 1, 15, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26 and 27.

February 26, 2002
Umatilla Generating Project
The Council approved a request by Umatilla Generating Company to amend the site certificate for the Umatilla Generating Project (Amendment #1). The amendment allows the construction of a zero discharge system for wastewater. The option of land application of wastewater would be retained, subject to DEQ approval of a WPCF permit.

February 8, 2002
Declaratory Ruling
The Council issued a declaratory ruling that an acquisition of Portland General Electric (PGE) by Northwest Natural Gas would not constitute a transfer of ownership of any of PGE´s energy facilities. PGE is the certificate holder of several facilities under Council jurisdiction. PGE and Northwest Natural joined in the request for a declaratory. If the acquisition leaves PGE intact as the entity in control of the facilities, no site certificate transfers will be required.

December 14, 2001
Tomen Power Generation
The Council agreed that a proposed wind energy facility is exempt from the site certificate requirement. TPC Oregon Wind Power Development LLC (TPC) proposed to build a 100-megawatt wind energy facility in Umatilla County. Recent legislation raised the Council´s jurisdictional threshold for wind energy facilities to 105 megawatts (nominal generating capacity). However, the facility would be located within the Umatilla Wind Generation Area (UWGA), established under OAR 345-001-0220. Ordinarily, the Council would have to decide whether the effects of the proposed facility, combined with the effects of existing small wind generating plants in the UWGA, would have a magnitude similar to a wind energy facility under Council jurisdiction.
There is an existing small wind generating plant, the Vansycle Ridge Wind Project, within the UWGA. Under additional recent legislation, however, the Council must disregard the effects of the Vansycle Project until January 2, 2002.
Under these special circumstances, the Council agreed that TPC need not request an exemption for the proposed wind facility (under OAR 345-015-0360(6)) if TPC submits an application for local land use approval to Umatilla County before December 31, 2001, provides verification of that submission to the Council and does not subsequently withdraw the local land use application. If TPC either does not file the application or files but withdraws it later, then TPC would be required to request an exemption from the Council.

October 26, 2001
Trojan Nuclear Plant
The Council approved changes to the emergency plan that is in place during the decommissioning of the Trojan Nuclear Plant. The changes reflect that the containment building no longer contains a radiation source, eliminating the need for Plant Effluent Radiation Monitor 1. The Council also approved other minor changes.
Mist Underground Gas Storage Facility
The Council approved a motion to delegate to the Council Chair approval of Amendment #8 to the site certificate for the Mist Underground Gas Storage Facility. The amendment would allow Northwest Natural to increase the throughput rate and add compression at Miller Station. The amendment would also allow for one new injection well. The amendment requires Northwest Natural to submit a financial assurance bond, and the Council delegated to the Chair the review and approval of the bond.

September 14, 2001
Stateline Wind Project
The Council approved a final order and site certificate for the Stateline Wind Project. The order allows FPL Energy Vansycle LLC to construct a wind energy facility in Umatilla County. The approved facility consists of 127 wind turbines with a combined nominal electric generating capacity of 83.8 MW. The facility would be located in Umatilla County, north and east of Helix, Oregon.
Umatilla Generating Project
The Council approved a final order and site certificate for the Umatilla Generating Project. The order allows Umatilla Generating Company to construct a natural-gas fired combined-cycle combustion turbine power plant with a nominal electric generating capacity of 603 megawatts. The facility would be located in Umatilla County.
Columbia River Energy
The Council approved a temporary exemption for the Columbia River Energy Combustion Turbine Generation Project. The order allows Columbia River Energy to construct a natural-gas fired simple-cycle power plant with a nominal electric generating capacity of 44 megawatts. The facility would be located in Columbia County. Under the temporary exemption authorized by ORS 469.320(2)(g), Columbia River Energy may operate the facility for two years. If the certificate holder chooses to continue operation after that time, the certificate holder must apply for a site certificate.
Oregon Energy - Halsey
The Council granted an exemption to Oregon Energy LLC for the Halsey cogeneration project. The order allows Oregon Energy to construct a natural-gas fired cogeneration power plant with a nominal electric generating capacity of 93 megawatts. The exemption is for a high efficiency cogeneration facility and is authorized under ORS 469.320(2)(c)(B).
Rulemaking: Monetary Offset Rate
The Council approved an amendment to OAR 345-024-0580. Under the Council´s carbon dioxide standard, the monetary offset rate is used to determine the amount a power plant developer would pay under the "monetary path" to offset carbon dioxide emissions. The amendment raises the rate from $0.57 per ton to $0.85 per ton. The Council approved conforming amendments to OAR 345-024-0560, -0600 and -0630.
Rulemaking: Expedited Review
The Council approved a temporary amendment of OAR 345-021-0000. The amendment allows the Department of Energy to find an application for expedited review complete before an application has been submitted by a third-party for a federally-delegated permit.

August 2, 2001
West Linn Paper Company
The Council approved changes to the design of the cogeneration system for the West Linn Paper Company´s power plant. The facility is exempt from the site certificate requirement based on the high efficiency cogeneration exemption, ORS 469.320(2)(c)(B). The approved change will allow the West Linn to use a different model of gas turbine.
Fee Schedule
The Council approved an updated schedule of fees.

May 18, 2001
Klamath Expansion Project
The Council approved a request by PacifiCorp Power Marketing for exemption from the site certificate requirement. The proposed Klamath Expansion Project would be a 100-megawatt facility adjacent to the existing Klamath Cogeneration Project. The proposed facility is exempt based on the temporary energy generating facility exemption, ORS 469.320(2)(g).
Biomass One
The Council approved an exemption to Biomass One for expansion of capacity of their facility. The exemption is authorized under ORS 469.320(2)(a). The exemption would allow an increase in generating capacity from 25 megawatts to 30 megawatts.

May 4, 2001
Hermiston Power Project
The Council approved Amendment #4 of the site certificate for the Hermiston Power Project. The amendment allows the use of duct burning to increase the power output of the facility. It also allows an increase in water use and a change in the route of the transmission line.

March 9, 2001
West Linn Paper Company
The Council approved a request by the West Linn Paper Company for exemption from the site certificate requirement for a power plant. The Council approved the request based on the high efficiency cogeneration exemption, ORS 469.320(2)(c)(B).

February 16, 2001
Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project
The Council approved a transfer of the site certificate for the Coyote Springs Cogeneration Project Unit 2 (Amendment #7). The approval allows transfer from Avista Power to Avista Corporation.

February 9, 2001
Oregon Energy Company
The Council approved an exemption request from Oregon Energy Company. The Council approved the request based on the high efficiency cogeneration exemption, ORS 469.320(2)(c)(B).
SP Newsprint
The Council approved an exemption request from SP Newsprint. The Council approved the request based on the high efficiency cogeneration exemption, ORS 469.320(2)(c)(B).

January 19, 2001
Hermiston Generating Project
The Council approved Amendment #5 of the site certificate for the Hermistion Generating Project. The amendment would allow the facility to build a pipeline and discharge wastewater that comes from the cooling tower blow-down and clarifier draw-down ("reclaimed wastewater") directly to Madison Farms.

Page updated: September 12, 2008

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