Press Room


October 8, 2004

Statement of Anna Escobedo Cabral
Nominee for United States Treasurer
before the Committee on Finance
United States Senate

Thank you, Chairman Grassley, Ranking Member Baucus, Senator Hatch, and Members of the Committee. I am honored to have been nominated by President George W. Bush to serve as U.S. Treasurer, and grateful for the opportunity to appear before you today in consideration of that nomination.

If confirmed, I look forward to working closely with this Committee, as well as all Members of the Senate and House of Representatives, on issues related to the office of the Treasurer.

Before proceeding further, please allow me a moment of personal privilege to introduce those members of my immediate family who join me today: my wonderful husband, Victor, and two lovely daughters, Viana and Catalina. Our son, Victor Christopher, our eldest daughter, Raquel and her husband, David Sours, are unable to attend, but I know they are here in spirit, as are the many members of my extended family.

I am a third generation Mexican American and first generation college graduate. My family came from Mexico in the early 1900s in search of the American Dream. Like so many others, they labored to build the railroads, factories, farms, and cities of this great nation. Four generations on my father's side toiled in California's agricultural fields. I am the manifestation of their dreams and aspirations – that their hard work would earn a better life for their children. I remain eternally grateful to them for the values they instilled in me – for our faith in God and country, a sense of personal responsibility, and a commitment to family and community. This nomination honors each of them.

None of us stands alone. We rest on the shoulders of those who have gone before. We are expected to repay their sacrifices by working to ensure that our children and our children's children inherit a safer, better world.

This great nation serves as a beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. Among its hallmarks are a free enterprise system, solid financial markets, and sound banking and monetary systems. As Treasurer I would seek to continue and contribute to the great work of the President and the Treasury Department by ensuring that our coin and currency systems remain safe, that anti-counterfeiting measures are strengthened, that our Savings Bond Programs provide greater investment opportunities, and that financial literacy grows at all levels, for all generations.

I am eager to contribute to the work of the Department and the office of the Treasurer. I consider it a privilege and honor to serve the public. I will work to the best of my abilities to maintain a strong working relationship with the Committee, uphold the duties of the office, and assure accountability within the Department.

Thank you for your time. I would be pleased to answer any questions.