Wild Horse & Burro


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Facility: Litchfield, CA
 Adoptions are by appointment only, please call (530) 254-6575. Facility hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm and closed on federal holidays.         Summer hours are: 6:00 am to 3:00 pm. Information is available 24 hours a day by calling 1-800-545-4256.Directions: Facility is located 21 miles east of Susanville, CA, on US Highway 395.

Horse Number 0276
View Horse

Sex: Filly Age: 1 Years   Height (in hands): 0

Necktag #: 0276   Date Captured: 04/02/08

Color: Brown   Captured: Red Rock Lakes (CA)

Horse Number 0812
View Horse

Sex: Mare Age: 14 Years   Height (in hands): 13

Necktag #: 0812   Date Captured: 11/19/97

Color: Sorrel   Captured: Buck and Bald (NV)

Horse Number 9384
View Horse

Sex: Filly Age: 2 Years   Height (in hands): 14

Necktag #: 9384   Date Captured: 08/20/06

Color: Appaloosa   Captured: UNKNOWN

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