Wild Horse & Burro


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Facility: Rock Springs, WY
Rock Springs Corrals

Serves as the primary preparation center for wild horses gathered in Wyoming.

Adoption Details: Scheduled adoptions are held periodically at the facility. Call (307) 352-0292 for more information.

Directions: From I-80 in Rock Springs, take Elk Street Exit (Exit #104), and go north approximately one mile. Turn right (east) on Lionkol Road. Go east approximately one mile. The corrals are located on the left (west) side of road.

Note: Trained wild horses are available for adoption through the Wyoming Department of Corrections, Riverton Honor Farm in Riverton. For more information, please call (307) 352-0302. In addition, trained wild horses are available for adoption through the Mantle Wild Horse Training & Adoption Center in Wheatland, WY. For more information, please call (307) 322-5799.

Horse Number 0002
View Horse

Sex: Stud Age: 0 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 0002   Date Captured: 12/12/07

Color: UNKNOWN   Captured: UNKNOWN

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