Wild Horse & Burro


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Facility: Paul's Valley, OK

Paul’s Valley Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Center

Location: Pauls Valley is approximately 45 miles south of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Directions: From Oklahoma City, travel south on Interstate 35 exit 74, Kimberlin Road. Head west a quarter of mile and then north a quarter of a mile to the Pauls Valley Facility. The Center can be seen from the Interstate.  Call before you visit - (405) 238-7138.

Horse Number 0584
View Horse

Sex: Gelding Age: 1 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 0584   Date Captured: 01/05/07

Color: Brown   Captured: Johnnie (NV)

Horse Number 3340
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 10 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 3340   Date Captured: 03/18/07

Color: Gray   Captured: Gold Butte (NV)

Horse Number 3353
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 8 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 3353   Date Captured: 03/19/07

Color: Gray   Captured: Gold Butte (NV)

Horse Number 3382
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 7 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 3382   Date Captured: 03/21/07

Color: Gray   Captured: Muddy Mountains (NV)

Horse Number 3386
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 8 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 3386   Date Captured: 03/21/07

Color: Gray   Captured: Muddy Mountains (NV)

Horse Number 3400
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 9 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 3400   Date Captured: 03/25/07

Color: Brown   Captured: Muddy Mountains (NV)

Horse Number 3495
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 2 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 3495   Date Captured: 03/20/07

Color: Gray   Captured: Gold Butte (NV)

Horse Number 9691
View Horse

Sex: Jack Age: 6 Years   Height (in hands):

Necktag #: 9691   Date Captured: 03/02/06

Color: Brown   Captured: Gold Butte (NV)

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