Franchise & Business Opportunities

Facts for Consumers

  • Buying a Franchise: A Consumer Guide [PDF]

    Explains to consumers how to shop for a franchise opportunity, including what questions to ask before they invest. Describes potential benefits — such as brand recognition, training, and support — but also the costs, obligations, and risks that a franchisee may face. 8.5"x11", 18 pages, color.

  • Could Biz Opp Offers Be Out for Your Coffers? [PDF] [en español]

    Explains the importance of getting pre-investment information in writing, and researching other aspects of the business' performance by interviewing other people who have bought into the program. 8.5"x11", 4 pages.

  • Franchise and Business Opportunities [PDF] [en español]

    Explains the Federal Trade Commission's Franchise and Business Opportunity Rule. 8.5"x11", 4 pages.

Legal Resources

Last Modified: Friday, 20-Jun-2008 10:30:00 EDT