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FY 2008

Development and field testing of the Doppler Volume Sampler

Plimpton, P., and J. Mullison

J. Underw. Technol., 27(4), 207–217 (2008)

In 2004 the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) sponsored a Request for Proposals (RFP) from industry to develop a new instrument that combined ocean current measurements, highly accurate temperature measurements and inductive communication in a single package. To support global ocean monitoring, the new instruments would be deployed on PMEL’s deep ocean surface moorings at selected depths from the near surface to 750m, with data telemetered to shore via satellite in near real time. From the proposals submitted, PMEL selected the Doppler Volume Sampler (DVS), a point current meter developed by Teledyne RD Instruments, for testing. This paper discusses the DVS engineering design, measurement capabilities, including features for data quality assessment, and the testing performed during the instrument evaluation.

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