Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Solid Waste.
Ongoing subscription number: PB2003592570
Estimated Yearly Cost: $1,920; outside of U.S., Canada, and Mexico $3,840
The data file is provided on CD-ROM. Price based on number of issues. Updated approximately twelve times a year.
Single issue order number: PB2003592571
Price $160; outside of U.S., Canada, and Mexico $320
This file contains information on hazardous waste handlers regulated by The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Data is supplied by the regulated community and RCRA permitting and compliance program personnel.
All hazardous waste handlers are required to notify EPA of their existence by submitting the Federal Notification of Regulated Waste Activity Form (EPA Form 8700-12) or a State equivalent form. The Notification form provides basic identification information (e.g., handler name and location address, and owner/operator and contact names, addresses and phone numbers), specific hazardous waste activities (e.g., generator, transporter, or treatment/storage/disposal), and wastes handled. Treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs) are further required to submit Part A (EPA Form 8700-23) and Part B of their Hazardous Waste Permit Application. The Part A form provides more detailed information concerning wastes handled, plus SIC codes and process data.
Information from the Notification and Part A forms described above, permit issuance data supplied by RCRA permit writers, and non-sensitive compliance and enforcement data collected by compliance program personnel is included on the tapes.
This product contains text only. Customers must provide their own search and retrieval software. The datafile is on one disc. ASCII data with CRLF.