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FY 1986

Vessel icing in Alaskan waters—1979 to 1984 data set

Pease, C.H., and A.L. Comiskey

NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-14, NTIS: PB86-164662/XAB, 16 pp (1986)

A set of 85 icing incidents for December 1979 to December 1983 were obtained from the radio log of WBH29, a private reporting station on Kodiak Island. Reports were verified by interviews with the vessel operator and comparison with NOAA sea level pressure, air temperature and sea surface temperature analyses. Icing rates are greater than 2.0 cm hr for 30% of the observations and 60% of the vessel event durations are 8 hr or less. The observed icing rates were three times those of a previous study. New icing nomograms are presented based on this new data.

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