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FY 1981

Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, thermosteric anomaly and zonal geostrophic velocity from NORPAX shuttle experiment, Part 1

Taft, B.A., and P. Kovala

NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-3, NTIS: PB82-163106, 98 pp (1981)

The NORPAX Hawaii-Tahiti Shuttle Experiment was carried out in the central Pacific (158°, 153°, 150°W) during the period February 1979–June 1980. This report covers CTD profiling data from the first five legs of this Shuttle (February 1979–July 1979). Vertical sections of temperature, salinity, thermosteric anomaly and zonal geostrophic velocity are presented. Meridional profiles of surface temperature, surface salinity, surface thermosteric anomaly and geostrophic volume transport relative to 100 db are included.

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