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FY 1977

Observations of the Antarctic Polar Front by a moored array during FDRAKE-76

Hayes, S.P., and W. Zenk

NOAA Tech. Report ERL 390-PMEL 28, NTIS: PB-281460/6, 47 pp (1977)

Moored current meter and thermistor chain measurements recorded for 28 days near the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone in the Central Drake Passage are presented. The data indicate that the temperature distribution in the depth interval 200-350 m was essentially bimodal and that it changed with the position of the front. When the mooring was north of the front, the water was warm and nearly homogenous. When it was south of the front, the temperature decreased and stratification increased. These results indicate the effectiveness of moored temperature sensors as monitors of frontal movement.

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