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FY 1991

A TOGA array of drifting thermistor chains in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean: October 1989–January 1990

McPhaden, M.J., A.J. Shepherd, W.G. Large, and P.P. Niiler

NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-34, NTIS: PB91-224535, 171 pp (1991)

This report presents data collected from 19 drifting thermistor chains in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean between October 1989 and January 1990. The drifters were deployed as part of the TOGA program to study variability in the western equatorial Pacific warm pool. All drifters were equipped with 300 m long thermistor chains and 3 drifters were equipped with wind sensors. Data were telemetered in real-time to satellite via Service Argos. Drifter design, Argos data stream, data processing procedures, and overall system performance are described in detail.

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