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FY 1988

A numerical model for the computation of radiance distributions in natural waters with wind-roughened surfaces, Part II: Users' Guide and Code Listing

Mobley, C.D.

NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-81, NTIS: PB88-246871, 170 pp (1988)

This report is a users' guide for and listing of the FORTRAN V computer code that implements a numerical procedure for computing radiance distributions in natural waters. The mathematical details of the numerical radiance model are described in a companion report (A Numerical Model for the Computation of Radiance Distributions in Natural Waters with Wind-Roughened Surfaces, by Curtis D. Mobley and Rudolph W. Preisendorfer, NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL PMEL-75). The present report describes how to run the computer model and therefore address questions such as which routines perform which calculations, what input is required by the various programs, and what is the file structure of the overall program.

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