Filing Fee Information
February 28, 2008

The fee for filing a Premerger Notification and Report Form is currently:

if the size-of-transaction is valued at greater than $63.1 million but less than $126.2 million;
if the size-of-transaction is valued at $126.2 million or greater but less than $630.8 million; and
if the size-of-transaction is valued at $630.8 million or greater

The acquiring person is responsible for the payment of the fee at the time of filing. Fees are payable to the Federal Trade Commission by electronic wire transfer (EWT) or, if necessary, by bank cashier's check or certified check. The preferred method of payment is EWT (See Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Fedwire Funds Services). The fee must be paid in U.S. currency. The amount of payment received must be net of any service, transfer or wiring fees charged by a bank or financial institution.
Fees paid by EWT will be deposited to the Treasury's account at the

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045-0001.

To insure filing fees paid by EWT are attributed to the appropriate payer filing notification, the payer must provide the following information to the bank initiating the EWT:

(1) the Department of Treasury's ABA Number
(2) the Federal Trade Commission's ALC (account) Number
(3) the Federal Trade Commission’s Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN)
(4) SWIFT CODES (Foreign Wire Transfers)

The Comment Field should contain the payer's name and 9-digit Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). A natural person with no TIN must provide the payer's name and Social Security Number (SSN). If the name used to transmit the EWT differs from the payer's name, the alternative name should also be listed. If the filing fee is paid by more than one person (e.g., the acquiring and acquired persons each submit $22,500 in payment of the filing fee), all payers must provide their names and TINs.

Additionally, the transmittal letter (an original and one copy) accompanying the notification of each person submitting all or part of a filing fee should contain the following:

(1) the Acquiring Person's name and the payer's name and TIN as identified in the Comment Field of the EWT;

(2) if payment is made by EWT, the Confirmation Number for the EWT; and (3) if the name used to transmit the EWT differs from the payer's name, the alternative name must be disclosed in the transmittal letter accompanying the filing.

(NOTE: In the event that the above information is not available at the time of filing, please send the information via e-mail to

Please adhere carefully to this procedure to ensure that your payment is properly credited and to avoid delays in the start of the waiting period. Failure to provide the necessary information in a timely manner may result in the filing being deemed non-compliant until the filing fee is confirmed. See, 57 FR 47466 (October 16, 1992).

For further information contact Sheila Clark-Coleman at (202) 326-2759 or James H. Ferkingstad at (202) 326-2510.

Last Modified: Friday, 29-Feb-2008 10:18:00 EST