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Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Business Licensing Database


Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety
1313 Sherman St., Rm. 215
Denver , CO   80203
The Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board regulates the permitting, reclamation and operational requirements for all construction material extraction operations in Colorado. Different permits are applicable for operations of under 10 acres.

Link:  http://mining.state.co.us/Mineral%20Forms.htm

Prior to filing the application with the board, applicants must send a Notice of Filing Application to the local board of county commissioners and to any conservation district in which the mine will be located. In addition, a copy of the application (less any confidential items) must be placed for public review with the clerk and recorder of the county(ies) where the affected land is located.
For guidance on exemptions for agricultural operations, minimal impact excavation, and others, see Mined Land Reclamation Board's policy document "Need for a Reclamation Permit."

Link:  http://mining.state.co.us/rulesregs/NeedforReclamationPermit.pdf


Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Division of Water Resources
1313 Sherman St #818
DENVER , CO   80203
Fax: (303)866-3589
GRAVEL PITS: If excavating or operating a gravel pit where ground water is exposed, a well permit is required from the Division of Water Resources. Use Form GWS-27 for this type of permit.

Link:  http://www.water.state.co.us/pubs/forms/gws-27.pdf

DAM CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIR: The State Engineer's Office determines the safe storage level of the reservoir dams in the state. It also must approve the plans and specifications for the construction and repair of dams greater than 10 feet in vertical height to the bottom of the spillway, or greater than 20 surface acres or 100 acre-feet in capacity at the high-water-line.

Rules and forms are available from the Division of Water Resources web site,

Link:  http://water.state.co.us/damsafety/dams.asp


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Air Pollution Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)782-0278
Surface mining operations, including sand and gravel pits, borrow pits, and quarries, may need to report air emissions to, or obtain an air permit from, the Air Pollution Control Division.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/ap/down/sbap_surfaceminingfactsheet.pdf


Colorado Historical Society
Office of Archaeology & Historical Prevervation
1300 Broadway
DENVER , CO   80203
Fax: (303)866-2711
Under the Historical, Prehistorical, and Archaeological Resources Act (24-80-401 to 410, C.R.S.), anyone desiring to perform archaeological or paleontological survey or excavation on any lands owned by the state of Colorado must obtain a permit from the the Office of the State Archaeologist. The permit system may apply to lands belonging to political subdivisions of the state or to private landowners, at the request of the owner and the concurrence of the state archaeologist. The excavation of any unmarked human burial older than 100 years regardless of ethnic affiliation shall require a permit if such burial is situated within any nonfederal land in Colorado.

Link:  http://www.coloradohistory-oahp.org/publications/pubs/1308b.pdf

Local Licensing Authorities
Contact each local building department/authority where work is performed regarding any local licensing, permitting or registration requirements for earth moving or the operation of clay, sand, or gravel pits.

NOTE:  See EXPLOSIVES for permits to use explosives.
NOTE:  If applicable, see MINING

page last updated 9/28/06

The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on line at You can locate a statute of interest by searching either on the citation given in the database (e.g., 18-5-307) or on a keyword or phrase.

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