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    News & Events:

    J. Michael Adams, co-author of Coming of Age in a Globalized World, was recently elected to become president of the International Association of University Presidents.

    Stylus Publishing Sponsors Earth Protect Youth Launch. Jonathan Harrington, author of The Climate Diet, is featured blogger. More Information

    Coinciding with the World Health Organization’s 60th anniversary, WHO Press is pleased to announce the appointment, effective October 1st, 2008, of Stylus Publishing, LLC, as its North American distributor for the press’ book programs in English, French and Spanish. Stylus will undertake full sales and marketing services for WHO Press, and will hold inventory of all in print titles, and fulfill orders from its Virginia warehouse. For complete ordering information and for information on the transition from WHO Press’ previous distributor, please contact

    Earthscan Wins IVCA Clarion Award for Best Overall Publishing. Earthscan has won the Best Overall Publishing award in the book category of the IVCA (International Visual Communication Association) Clarion Awards.

    Dr. Ken Rutherford, author of Humanitarianism Under Fire was featured on the The Leonard Lopate Show on Wednesday, October 1st.

    Featured Reviews:

    A review of Dissent from War:

    "When it comes to the study of war, Robert Ivie is a trailblazer. Rhetorical scholars who strive to understand better how our leaders justify war to citizens, and how citizens in turn justify war to themselves, start with Ivie's work--or at the very least soon find their way back to it." -- Quarterly Journal of Speech