Photo Essays
Gates Continues Mexico City Visit
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates meets with key members of his staff to discuss the schedule for the day in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is greeted by the Commander of Troops upon his arrival at the 201 Fighter Squadron Memorial in Chapultepec Park, Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates lays a wreath at the 201 Fighter Squadron Memorial in Chapultepec Park, Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates stands with Mexican officials after laying a wreath at the 201 Fighter Squadron Memorial in Chapultepec Park, Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates meets with veterans after laying a wreath at the 201 Fighter Squadron Memorial in Chapultepec Park, Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Troops stand in formation as Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates lays a wreath at the 201 Fighter Squadron Memorial in Chapultepec Park, Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates walks with Mexican Navy Secretary Adm. Mariano Saynez upon his arrial at the navy headquarters in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Members of the Mexican Navy band play as Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Mexican Navy Secretary Adm. Mariano Saynez arrive at the navy headquarters in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, center right, and Mexican Navy Secretary Adm. Mariano Saynez, center left, arrive at the navy headquarters in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates meets with Mexican Navy Secretary Adm. Mariano Saynez at the navy headquarters in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.   Mexican Navy Secretary Adm. Mariano Saynez presents a gift to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates at the navy headquarters in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.  Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is escorted to his aircraft upon his departure from Mexico City, April 30, 2008.
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates meets with key members of his staff to discuss the schedule for the day in Mexico City, April 30, 2008.
Defense Dept. photo by Cherie Cullen