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What kind of impact does the air quality in the Kanawha Valley of West Virginia have on my daughter and her asthma. I have the option of moving west of Charleston about 30 miles, out of the valley, and I wanted to see what kind of data there is to show the differences in air quality between South Charleston, WV and Milton, WV. Is there a way I can sample the air myself?

I am uncertain about the actual air pollution problem you may be having in the Kanawha Valley. I am familiar with the chemical and refining industry in the region, but it is not simple to pin down the absolute cause of your daughter's asthma. My guess is that she is reacting to either particulates or ozone. As a start, I suggest you look at the EPA AIRNOW site ( and then check out the appropriate links. You will certainly want to check out the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards site ( If you are fortunate, you will be able to locate data for West Virginia through the EPA OAQPS web page that will address your specific question.

Richard Artz

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