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Learn, Train & Protect

Welcome to the Learn, Train & Protect Web site — a Web site designed by the Indian Health Service (IHS) to help ensure successful implementation of the Privacy Rule requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

HIPAA, which does not replace the Privacy Act of 1974, was passed by Congress in 1996 to guarantee that individuals may move from one health plan to another without losing existing coverage, or be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. While HIPAA includes various major areas, the focus of this site is training designed for successful implementation of, and compliance with, the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Beginning April 14, 2003, all IHS facilities and business associates must use forms, policies, and procedures that are in compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. This is also the deadline for training existing employees, volunteers and contractors.

A multidisciplinary team was created in March of 2001 to ensure IHS compliance by this deadline. The result is a carefully constructed and comprehensive set of HIPAA-compliant forms, policies and procedures for use in each facility, along with the Learn, Train & Protect training program.

This file last modified: Friday March 28, 2008  11:47 AM