State of Colorado: Governor Bill Ritter

Press Release- May 04, 2007

MONDAY, MAY 7, 2007

Wil Alston, 303.917.8059


Gov. Bill Ritter today proclaimed the week of May 7-13 as "Public Employee Recognition Week," honoring four individuals who exemplify public service paying tribute to employees from city, county and state agencies. Throughout the week, Coloradans are encouraged to express thanks to public employees for the work they do.

"Employees who make our city, county, and state agencies run smoothly deserve our praise and gratitude," Gov. Ritter said. "I am honored by the dedication of the women and men who protect us, improve our quality of life, are stewards of our natural resources, teach our children in the classroom and care for those who live on the margin." The Governor recognized four employees who exemplify the spirit of public employment and symbolize the tens of thousands of dedicated employees who serve Colorado citizens.

The Governor recognized them for excellence in their duties as public employees and also for their outstanding civic participation in their communities.

Ronda Taylor, City of Sterling Police Department
Ronda began her employment with the City of Sterling Police Department in 1971 as a parking enforcement officer. In 1977 she became one of the first two female police officers for Sterling and served in that capacity until she was promoted to Sergeant in 2001. She is a shining example of how hard work and determination can pay off. Sgt. Taylor now leads a shift of officers, is the team leader for the Tactical Apprehension and Control team, is in charge of the "Kop-n-Kids" program, and has dedicated the last 35 years of her life to serving the Sterling community.

Helen Torrez, Morgan Community College
Helen is a Custodian at Morgan Community College. A lot of her work may not always be noticed on a daily basis, but she provides the college with a very clean work area for staff and students. Helen is always concerned about the impact and effectiveness her job has on the students and staff she serves. She is an excellent source for information and can tell you things about the institution most people wouldn't know. She attends the graduation ceremony each year because she feels a sense of achievement watching the students walk across the stage for their diplomas.

Joe Benedetto, Colorado Public Utilities Commission
Joe Benedetto is the Telecommunications Relay Services Administrator for the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Relay Colorado is a telephone service that enables people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech-disabled to communicate on the telephone with a hearing party. On top of Joe's job duties, he also works with the deaf community by serving on many boards and commissions on behalf of deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. Joe serves on the board of directors for the Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, as well as chairing collection initiatives at the PUC for the disadvantaged several times a year. He has helped collect food, toys, and cash for such charities as Working Together, which benefits state employees, Toys for Tots--the Holy Cross Church food distribution program, and the Gathering Place, which helps homeless women and children.

Patrick Hamel, Department of Public Health & Environment

Patrick Hamel is the lead for the State Greening Government Program at the Department of Public Health & Environment. He serves as a statewide expert on Greening Government activities such as water conservation, waste reduction and recycling, transportation, and environmentally preferable purchasing. Patrick is also a longtime volunteer for organizations like Meals-on-Wheels by where he delivers food to people in need, and like Volunteers of America, where he paints the homes of elderly and low-income individuals, and rakes leaves for elderly residents in the fall. In addition, he has been know to have purchased and installed an air-conditioner for an elderly couple to keep them cool in the summer.

"Like so many others, these individuals give of themselves professionally and personally to make Colorado a great place to live, work, and play," Ritter said. "On behalf of the people of Colorado, we owe them our gratitude."

The Governor's Office is recognizing Public Employee Recognition Week in conjunction with the national observance of Public Service Recognition Week. Citizens are encouraged to learn more about their government by visiting Colorado¿s state Web site at, or the government entity of their choosing