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  National Threat Level: Elevated


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                                                    ELCINST 5224.2G
                                                    DEC 06, 2006



1. PURPOSE. This instruction promulgates the Engineering Logistics Center (ELC) FY2007 - 2011 Strategic Plan.

2. ACTION. All employees should become familiar with this instruction.

3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. ELCINST 5224.2F is cancelled.


a. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to help provide our employees with a common understanding of where the Command is headed by describing our mission and vision, as well as the command goals. It also describes those values and guiding principles that the Command ascribes to as it conducts its daily business and makes strategic decisions. These are the values by which we, as individuals and a Command, are expected to conduct ourselves. The guiding principles will direct our interactions and business decisions for today and our strategic decisions for tomorrow. The Strategic Plan is the starting point for all ELC Corporate planning, as well as individual performance plans.

b. The framework of the Strategic Plan is built upon the criteria of the Commandant's Quality Award (CQA) program. The CQA program, administered by the Coast Guard's Leadership and Quality Institute, is based on the highly successful Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The CQA Award itself is presented annually to high-performing Coast Guard units. The CQA criteria focus on seven major categories; Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Information and Analysis, Human Resource Management and Development, Process Control, and Business Results. These criteria serve as the mechanism to put the ELC's Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals into action.

c. The Leadership, Strategic Planning and Customer Focus categories combine to set the basic direction and plan of action for the Command. The Human Resource Management and Development and Process Control categories are aligned with the Command's Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Plan in order to get the results that our customers require. The Information and Analysis category ensures that information is collected, analyzed and used throughout the command to track performance and adjust processes and human resources, as needed. The Business Results category is our performance report card, identifying what the Command has actually achieved.

5. MAINTENANCE. The Productivity Management Office 00(1) shall maintain this instruction.

                                                                    D. D. Blackall
                                                                    Commanding Officer

Encl. (1) ELC FY 2007 – 2011 Strategic Plan


Last Modified 6/13/2008