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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Recordkeeping and Reporting (R&R)

Recordkeeping and Reporting for Federal Fisheries in Alaska

The Magnuson-Stevens Act states that the collection of reliable data is essential to the effective conservation, management, and scientific understanding of the fishery resources of the United States. Managers of Alaska’s groundfish fisheries recognize that the best available biological and socioeconomic information is necessary in order to promote successful management of groundfish resources, as well as fishery resources such as crab, Pacific halibut, and salmon that are incidentally caught in the groundfish fisheries. All vessels of the U.S. receiving EEZ-caught fish are required to hold a federal permit and thus comply with reporting requirements. Data collected are used for making in-season and inter-season management decisions that affect the groundfish resources and the fishing industry that utilizes them.

Recordkeeping and Reporting

  • Reporting Forms: Online and/or fillable forms for all Alaska federal fisheries
  • Logsheets: Copies of Logbook forms and instructions for vessels/processors. The forms are for reference only; online forms cannot be used in place of the Logbooks.
  • eLandings: eLandings is the Interagency Electronic Reporting System for reporting commercial fishery landings in Alaska. eLandings is used to report landings and/or production data for groundfish, IFQ/CDQ halibut and sablefish, and IFQ/CDQ crab and Community of Adak golden king crab.


Related Information

Contact Information

Patsy Bearden
PH: (907) 586-7008
PH: 1-800-304-4846 - #3
Email: Patsy.Bearden@noaa.gov

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