Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

ELC Baltimore
Commanding Officer: CAPT Dennis Blackall

Mission Statement:

To deliver the right parts, information and service support at the right time, place and cost to maximize our customer's operational capability and effectiveness.

About the Engineering Logistics Center

The Engineering Logistics Center (ELC)  is located on two campuses at the Coast Guard Yard and in Glen Burnie, Md.  Nearly 600 military and civilian personnel coordinate hull, mechanical, electrical, and ordnance support for the Coast Guard fleet and electronic and general support items for worldwide Coast Guard activities.  In addition, ELC provides engineering services critical to the design, maintenance, and modifications of the Coast Guard fleet, managing preventative maintenance systems to keep Coast Guard cutters ready to perform any mission.

Functions, roles and responsibilities

ELC serves the functional role as the Coast Guard’s Platform Manager for all 249 cutters and ~800 standard boats in 27 cutter and 22 standard boat classes.  The Platform Management Division is responsible for managing the logistics support for all platforms during the sustainment phase of a cutter’s or boat’s life cycle.

We support management of the units configuration baseline by being the sole authority in the Coast Guard that can authorize changes – known as Engineering Changes.  In this regard, we serve as project managers for the development & fielding of cutter and boat upgrades. Through this process, we are aggressively replacing the unreliable, high maintenance, and difficult-to-support systems and are improving reliability, supportability, and standardization within and across cutter classes.

Per the Engineering Logistics Concept of Operations (ECONOP), the Equipment/Systems Manager is the Coast Guard’s Systems Integrator for Electronics, Hull, Mechanical, Electrical & Ordnance specialties.  ELC is the only place in the Coast Guard where cross functional teams are formed to support systems across all cutters and boats.

In support of Electronics systems, ELC maintains a close partnering relationship with the C4IT community. We collaborate with all major electronic entities including CG-6, the MLC Electronic Systems Divisions, C2CEN, TISCOM,  Loran Support Unit and DoD NAVSEA and NAVORD.   Working  together to coordinate policy and plans to ensure Integrated Logistics Support (ILS)  is engrained in the day-to-day logistics work of managing configuration, parts and engineering changes.  

ELC coordinates the Coast Guard’s ordnance program, including Yard and MLC ordnance funding and program implementation, such as Mk 75 76mm gun maintenance.

ELC maintains ATON equipment inventories to outfit the ATON fleet’s needs.  We have a team that we stand up after Hurricanes and other natural disasters to assist Districts and Sectors in their request and delivery of ATON materials.

Finally, the ELC is a depot for more that just parts.  We are the Coast Guard’s focal point for all naval engineering expertise; including logistics, engineering, hull, mechanical, electrical and electronics systems, as well as general items of supply and aids to navigation equipment. We provide technical and logistics information and expertise as well as sound project management for special program initiatives.

Coast Guard Mission

Ready Today . . . Preparing for Tomorrow

The United States Coast Guard is a military, multimission, maritime service within the Department of Homeland Security and one of the nation's five armed services. Its core roles are to protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic and security interests in any maritime region in which those interests may be at risk, including international waters and America's coasts, ports, and inland waterways.

Last Modified 6/13/2008