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Monthly Labor Review Online

November  2002, Vol. 125, No.11

Publications received

Economic and social statistics

Byrne, David, Interpreting Quantitative Data. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2002, 176 pp., $73/hardcover; $25/softcover.

Cockburn, Iain M., Samuel Kortum and Scott Stern, Are All Patent Examiners Equal? The Impact of Characteristics on Patent Statistics and Litigation Outcomes. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 42 pp. (Working Paper 8980) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Kerr, Alistair W., Howard K. Hall and Stephen A. Kozub, Doing Statistics with SPSS. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2002, 238 pp., $26/softcover.

Wright, Daniel B., First Steps in Statistics. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2002, 147 pp., $23/softcover.

Economic growth and development

Blau, Francine D. and Lawrence M. Kahn, At Home and Abroad: U.S. Labor Market Performance in International Perspective. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2002, 328 pp., $34.95/cloth.

Chow, Gregory C., China’s Economic Transformation. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing, 2002, 407 pp., $29.95/softcover.

Duesterberg, Thomas J. and Herbert I. London, eds., Riding the Next Wave: Why This Century Will Be a Golden Age for Workers, the Environment, and Developing Countries. Fishers, IN, Hudson Institute Publications, 2001, 238 pp., $19.95/softcover.

Edwards, Sebastian and Alejandra Cox Edwards, Social Security Privatization Reform and Labor Markets: The Case of Chile. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 48 pp. (Working Paper 8924) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hallward-Driemeier, Mary, Giuseppe Iarossi and Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Exports and Manufacturing Productivity in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis with Firm-level Data. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 63 pp. (Working Paper 8894) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Mosley, Hugh, Jacqueline O’Reilly and Klaus Schömann, Labour Markets, Gender and Institutional Change: Essays in Honour of Günther Schmid. Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2002, 382 pp., $110/hardcover.

The OECD Growth Project, The New Economy: Beyond the Hype. Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001, 104 pp., softcover.


Ehrenberg, Ronald G., Studying Ourselves: The Academic Labor Market. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 31 pp. (Working Paper 8965) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Hanushek, Eric A. and Javier A. Luque, Efficiency and Equity in Schools Around the World. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 30 pp. (Working Paper 8949) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Temin, Peter, Teacher Quality and the Future of America. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 31 pp. (Working Paper 8898) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Industrial relations

Gold, Michael Evan, An Introduction to the Law of Employment Discrimination Second Edition. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2001, 98 pp., $10.95/softcover.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Innovations in Labour Market Policies: The Australian Way. Paris, OECD Publications, 2001, 345 pp.

Pencavel, John, Worker Participation: Lessons from the Worker Co-ops of the Pacific Northwest. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2001, 117 pp., $12.95/softcover.

Industry and government organization

Carlton, Dennis W. and Robert H. Gertner, Intellectual Property, Antitrust and Strategic Behavior. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 33 pp. (Working Paper 8976) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Health at a Glance. Paris, OECD Publications, 2001, 100 pp.

Labor and economic history

Backhouse, Roger E., The Ordinary Business of Life: A History from the Ancient World to the Twenty-First Century. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2002, 369 pp., $35/cloth.

Kuhn, Harold W. and Sylvia Nasar, eds., The Essential John Nash. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2002, 244 pp., $29.95/cloth.

Linder, Marc, The Autocratically Flexible Workplace: A History of Overtime Regulation in the United States. Iowa City, Fãnpìhuà Press, 2002, 532 pp., $10/softcover.

Labor force

Krueger, Alan B. and Robert Solow, eds., The Roaring Nineties: Can Full Employment Be Sustained? New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2002, 576 pp., $49.95/cloth.

Schmid, Günther and Bernard Gazier, The Dynamics of Full Employment: Social Integration Through Transitional Labour Markets. Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2002, 443 pp., $125/hardcover.

Sicker, Martin, The Political Economy of Work in the 21st Century: Implications for an Aging American Workforce. Quorum Books, 2002, 208 pp., $62.95/hardcover.

Labor organizations

Nissen, Bruce, ed., Unions in a Globalized Environment: Changing Borders, Organizational Boundaries, and Social Roles. Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 2002, 293 pp., $24.95/softcover.

Management and organization theory

Allen, Mark, ed., The Corporate University Handbook: Designing, Managing, and Growing a Successful Program. New York, Amacom, 2002, 288 pp., $32.95/hardcover.

Monetary and fiscal policy

Meyer, Bruce D. and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, eds., Making Work Pay: The Earned Income Tax Credit and Its Impact on America’s Families. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2002, 400 pp., $49.95/cloth.

Productivity and technological change

Darby, Michael R. and Lynne G. Zucker, Growing by Leaps and Inches: Creative Destruction, Real Cost Reduction, and Inching Up. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 48 pp. (Working Paper 8947) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Gowrisankaran, Gautam and Joanna Stavins, Network Externalities and Technology Adoption: Lessons from Electronic Payments. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 41 pp. (Working Paper 8943) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Lerner, Josh, Patent Protection and Innovation over 150 Years. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 38 pp. (Working Paper 8977) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Litan, Robert E. and Alice M. Rivlin, Beyond the Dot.coms: The Economic Promise of the Internet. Washington, DC, The Brookings Institution, 2001, 132 pp., $19.95/cloth.

Rosen, Paul, Framing Production: Technology, Culture, and Change in the British Bicycle Industry. Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 2002, 224 pp., $29.95/cloth.

Steil, Benn, David G. Victor and Richard R. Nelson, Technological Innovation & Economic Performance. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2002, 476 pp., $35/softcover.

Social institutions and social change

Frey, Bruno S. and Alois Stutzer, Happiness & Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2002, 220 pp., $35/cloth.

Goldin, Claudia, The Rising and Then Declining Significance of Gender. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 46 pp. (Working Paper 8915) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Heavner, D. Lee and Lance Lochner, Social Networks and the Aggregation of Individual Decisions. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 23 pp. (Working Paper 8979) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Mueller, John, Capitalism, Democracy, & Ralph’s Pretty Good Grocery. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2001, 335 pp., $17.95/softcover.

Trigilia, Carlo, Economic Sociology: State, Market, and Society in Modern Capitalism. Malden, MA, Blackwell Publishing, 2002, 287 pp., $34.95/softcover.

Urban Affairs

Borjas, George J., Homeownership in the Immigrant Population. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 45 pp. (Working Paper 8945) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Wages and compensation

Acemoglu, Daron, Cross-Country Inequality Trends. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 42 pp. (Working Paper 8832) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Duflo, Esther and Emmanuel Saez, The Role of Information and Social Interactions in Retirement Plan Decisions: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 51 pp. (Working Paper 8885) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Gibbons, Robert, Lawrence F. Katz, Thomas Lemieux, and Daniel Parent, Comparative Advantage, Learning, and Sectoral Wage Determination. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 52 pp. (Working Paper 8889) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Goldin, Claudia, A Pollution Theory of Discrimination: Male and Female Differences in Occupations and Earnings. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 40 pp. (Working Paper 8985) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Meiksins, Peter, and Peter Whalley, Putting Work in Its Place: A Quiet Revolution. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2002, 188 pp., $25/cloth.

Welfare programs and social insurance

Blank, Rebecca M., Evaluating Welfare Reform in the United States. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 125 pp. (Working Paper 8983) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Card, David, and Rebecca M. Blank, eds., Finding Jobs: Work and Welfare Reform. New York, Russell Sage Foundation, 2000, 549 pp., $55/cloth.

Weber, Bruce A., Greg J. Duncan and Leslie A. Whitener, eds., Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reforms. Kalamazoo, MI, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2002, 490 pp., $45/cloth; $27/paper.

Witte, Ann Dryden, Take-up Rates and Trade Offs after the Age of Entitlement: Some Thoughts and Empirical Evidence for Child Care Subsidies. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 33 pp. (Working Paper 8886) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.

Worker training and development

Neumark, David and Deborah Reed, Employment Relationships in the New Economy. Cambridge, MA, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2002, 40 pp. (Working Paper 8910) $10 per copy, plus $10 for postage and handling outside the United States.


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