Student Career Experience Program


Name: ______________________________ Graduation Date: _______________________
Degree: _______________________________ School: _______________________

1.  Please acknowledge that you understand the following aspects of the Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) by initialing next to the following statements:

______ I understand that I must be a U.S. citizen to apply to be a SCEP student.
______ I realize that I must be a student currently enrolled in a meteorology, computer science, information technology, mathematics, physics, or geography degree program at an academic institution.
______ I understand that the SCEP involves a 12 month work commitment and that the 12 months must be completed before I graduate from my current degree program.
______ I acknowledge that a SCEP position is a 40 hour workweek.

2.  I have used the following computer languages in the circled settings:

     Fortran On the job In school
     C/C++ On the job In school
     HTML On the job In school
     _______________ On the job In school

3.  I have used the following operating systems (circle all that apply):


4.  If selected for a SCEP position, I prefer to perform my work period(s) (total of 12 months) at the following time(s) (optional).

       Start (mm/yy) End (mm/yy)
     Work Period 1: ____________ ____________
     Work Period 2: ____________ ____________

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________