Utah BLM News Release
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BLM initiates public comment period, hosts public meetings regarding Milford Wind Corridor Project

Contact: Project Manager Lucas Lucero  (702) 515-5059 
             *stationed at Las Vegas Field Office, NV

Cedar City, Utah—September 3, 2008—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Cedar City and Fillmore Field Offices announce the availability of a preliminary Environmental Assessment (EA), draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and initiation of a 30-day public comment period for the Milford Wind Corridor Project.  The project proponent is First Wind, LLC, (formerly known as UPC Wind Management, LLC).

In September 2007, the BLM hosted several public scoping meetings to begin public discussions regarding this project and to obtain public comment and concerns.

A preliminary EA has been prepared by CH2M HILL environmental consultants under the direction of the BLM.  The EA analyzes possible impacts on the environment resulting from construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the project.

The BLM will host two open house sessions for the public with the purpose of providing an opportunity for the public to learn about the project and to share their comments on the preliminary EA or draft FONSI. The meetings will be in an open house format.  Representatives from BLM, CH2M HILL, and First Wind, LLC will be available to answer questions.  The open house sessions are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the following dates at these locations:

  • Delta, September 24, 2008, at Millard School District Boardroom, 285 East 450 North Delta, UT  84624
  • Milford, September 25, 2008, at Recreation Hall, 26 South 100 West, Milford, UT 84751

The wind energy generation facility is proposed to be located approximately 10 miles northeast of Milford, Utah.  The facility would generate up to 300 megawatts and would consist of up to 159 wind turbine generators located in parallel rows (arrays) spaced approximately 0.8 mile apart.  Each wind turbine generator could be up to 80 meters (262 feet) tall with rotor (blades) up to 99 meters (328 feet) in diameter, for a total height from base to blade tip of 130 meters (426 feet).  Power generated at the facility would be interconnected with the existing Intermountain Power Project substation near Delta, Utah, by an 88-mile, 345 kilo volt (kV) overhead transmission line.

Electronic copies of the preliminary EA and draft FONSI can be obtained on the BLM, Utah Environmental Notification Bulletin Board at: http://www.blm.gov/ut/enbb.  Paper copies are available for public inspection at the following locations:

  • BLM, Fillmore Field Office, 35 East 500 North, Fillmore, UT 84631
  • BLM, Cedar City Field Office, 176 East D.L. Sargent Drive, Cedar City, UT 84721
  • Milford Public Library, 400 South 100 West, Milford, UT 84751
  • Delta County Public Library, 211 West 6th Street, Delta, UT 84624

Copies of the preliminary EA and draft FONSI will be mailed to interested parties upon request.  To request an electronic or paper copy please email the BLM Project Manager, Lucas Lucero at: Lucas_Lucero@blm.gov or call 702-515-5059.

The public comment period on the EA begins on September 5, 2008, and ends on October 6, 2008.  Written comments may be submitted at the public meetings, by letter to the address below, or by e-mail to UT_Milford_Wind_Energy_Comments@blm.gov.  Please include “Milford Wind Corridor Project” in your correspondence.  All comments must be received on or before the close of business, October 6, 2008 to be fully considered.  Comments submitted late will be considered to the extent feasible.

Attention: Lucas Lucero
c/o Bureau of Land Management
Cedar City Field Office
176 East D.L. Sargent Drive
Cedar City, UT 84721

Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment -- including your personal identifying information -- may be made publicly available at any time.  While you may ask us in your comment to have your personal identifying information withheld from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.  Please contact the BLM Project Manager, Lucas Lucero at (702) 515-5059 with any questions regarding the public meetings or comment period.

Last updated: 09-03-2008