Food and Drug Administration, Washington, DC.
Subscription order number: SUB-5460 SGML and ASCII delimited data on CD-ROM, Issued quarterly Price $450; outside of U.S., Canada, and Mexico $900
Single issue available: Price $115; outside of U.S., Canada, and Mexico $230
The Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is a computerized data base of drug adverse reactions reported by health professionals and others.
The system contains only adverse reactions detected and reported after marketing of the drug during the quarter. The information is not cumulative. The primary purpose for the AERS data base is to serve as an early warning or signaling system for adverse drug reactions not detected during premarket testing.
The files included on the CD-ROM are:
Historical Data may be ordered through the NTIS Sales Desk at 1-800-553-6847.