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The Legal Center

  The Legal Center makes a difference in everyday lives...
at the community!

Helping individuals with disabilities live and work in
the community, enjoying—to the fullest extent possible—
independent and productive lives.

The Legal Center is an independent public interest non-profit specializing in civil rights and discrimination issues. We protect the human, civil and legal rights of people with mental and physical disabilities, people with HIV, and older people throughout Colorado.

The Legal Center's primary goal is to open up the legal system to those who would otherwise be unable to voice their needs because of the complexity of the service bureaucracy, their disability or because they are unable to act on their own behalf.

The Legal Center works for systematic change in our goal to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities and seniors:

  • We work with teachers, vocational rehabilitation specialists, mental health and developmental disability providers, nursing home staff, vocational rehabilitation specialists, housing providers and others to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  • We provide direct legal representation informally and in courts and administrative hearings.
  • We protect rights in legislation and regulations.

The Legal Center has played a pivotal role in advancing disability law in Colorado and nationally. We are justly proud of our success in breaking new legal ground. However, we usually resolve our clients' objectives without litigation.

Some of our most satisfying legal advances have come through empowering people to advocate for themselves.

Here is the IRS Tax Form 990 for our organization.