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HEASARC: Observatories

Tenma Bibliography

Photo of Tenma

* Publication list from ADS

The Tenma publication list is the result of a query to the ADS service using the keyword TENMA. Note: the following link is not section 508 compliant.

* Useful Tenma references

  • Instrumentation and Science Results:
    • Mission Overview: Tanaka et al 1984 PASJ, 36, 641.
    • Sco X-1, 4U1608-52; GSPC detector: Suzuki et al 1984, PASJ, 36, 761.
    • Galactic Ridge; GSPC detector: Koyama et al 1986, PASJ, 38, 121.
    • Vela X-1; GSPC detector: Ohashi et al 1984, PASJ, 36, 699.
    • NGC 4151; GSPC detector: Matsuoka et al 1986, PASJ, 38, 285.

* Related sites

[About Tenma] [Gallery] [Publications]

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Last modified: Tuesday, 07-Oct-2003 11:16:07 EDT