March 9, 2000

Present Weather Algorithm Processing - Software Version 2.60

Below is a table which should help simplify the explanation of the ASOS present weather algorithm processing. The algorithm uses input from the Light Emitting Diode Weather Identifier (LEDWI), the frequency from the freezing rain sensor, the 10-minute harmonic average visibility, the dew point depression computed from the 5-minute average ambient and dew point temperatures, and the 5-minute average ambient temperature. Based on these parameters, ASOS will evaluate the data and provide an automated present weather entry (i.e., both precipitation and/or obscurations) to be included in the METAR/SPECI reports.

LEDWI Output Freezing Rain Indication Visibility (VIS) Dew Point Depression (DD) Temperature (T) ASOS
Algorithm Output
P Yes or No NA NA T > 38F -RA
P Yes NA NA T = 37F UP
P Yes NA NA 0F < T < 36F -FZRA
P No NA NA 0F < T< 38F UP
P Yes or No NA NA T < 0F UP
R Yes NA NA T > 36F RA
R Yes NA NA 0F < T < 36F FZRA
R No NA NA T > 33F RA
R No NA NA 0F < T <32F BLSN, UP, or No Entry
(See BLSN Algorithm Paper - 10/22/98 )
R Yes or No NA NA T < 0F No Entry
S Yes or No NA NA T > 38F No Entry

S Yes or No NA NA T < 38F SN
R, S, None Yes or No 5/8 SM < VIS < 7 SM DD < 4F Any T Value BR
R, S, None Yes or No VIS < 5/8 SM DD < 4F T > 32F FG
R, S, None Yes or No VIS < 5/8 SM DD < 4F T < 32F FZFG
None Yes or No VIS < 7 SM DD > 4F NA HZ


P or UP - Light Unkown Precipitation None - No Precipitation Detected from LEDWI
R or RA - Rain, (-RA is Light Rain) NA - Not Used in Algorithm
S or SN - Snow FG - Fog
FZRA - Freezing Rain, (-FZRA is Light Freezing Rain) FZFG - Freezing Fog
BLSN - Blowing Snow HZ - Haze
BR - Mist